RIR with other breeds


In the Brooder
Aug 28, 2020
Hello everyone! I posted a week ago about my ISA hen who was a rooster (a very handsome one at that). Thank you all for helping me positively identify him - I found an amazing home for him with other chickens and kids. He will have a wonderful life.

My flock is now down to two, a Barred Rock and Blue Australorp, and I want to get two more chicks to supplement (I only have room for 4-5 total). I will be getting a Speckled Sussex and am considering a RIR as the other. However, I'm a bit concerned about the RIR being with other breeds, as from my research they are sweet with humans but can be aggressive with other hens. I realize it all comes down to the individual hen, but I'd love to hear other people's experiences of having mixed flocks with a RIR.

Thank you!
My experience with RIR hens is that they were in charge, but they weren't jerks about it. My girls were all raised together from 1 or 2 days old. How old are your BR and Australorp?
My experience with RIR hens is that they were in charge, but they weren't jerks about it. My girls were all raised together from 1 or 2 days old. How old are your BR and Australorp?

The BR and Lorp are currently about 3 months old. I wouldn't be introducing the new chicks to them for another couple months, though. I'm hoping the fact that it will be two new ones going in with two established, it will be somewhat evenly matched. I'll do the standard several weeks introduction separated by chicken wire.
Makes sense, good luck with the introductions but I think you're smart about it. I really liked my RIR girls. I rarely saw one without the other and they sort of co-chaired the flock.
My RIR Dorothy is a real "B" to my two other hens, I've caught her bullying them and I stand guard when delving out treats . She's the first RIR I've owned. She did spend her first six months with an aggressive Roo. She's fine with me though , but not sweet as other hand raised hens I've owned.
I will say though that she's a protector and for that I am thankful. My neighbor called me to say that he saw her single beakedly ward off a hawk trying to get at our smallest, Maizey. She's definetly more Roo than hen :D
My RIR Dorothy is a real "B" to my two other hens, I've caught her bullying them and I stand guard when delving out treats . She's the first RIR I've owned. She did spend her first six months with an aggressive Roo. She's fine with me though , but not sweet as other hand raised hens I've owned.
I will say though that she's a protector and for that I am thankful. My neighbor called me to say that he saw her single beakedly ward off a hawk trying to get at our smallest, Maizey. She's definetly more Roo than hen :D

Thanks! My two current hens are very sweet. I'm still vacillating between getting a RIR or a Black Australorp.
Hi Everyone, just wanted to update. I decided against the RIR and got two Easter Eggers instead. I think they'll be a better choice for my docile, sweet-natured flock. Thanks again everyone for your help with this.

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