run construction

  1. Crickard21

    Minnesota Chicken Run Help

    Hi everyone! We're new-ish chicken owners and we living in southern Minnesota. However, we're new to the area, we just moved here from Florida. Obviously the weather is pretty different from what we're used to. I am having an awful time deciding what substrate to use for our chicken run. The...
  2. S

    Help with base of run

    I think I made a mistake when I put my ladies out in their coop with the attached run. I didn't prep the run in any way, shape or form, and just assumed the dirt/grass/weed situation was good enough. Now that it's been a few weeks obviously the weeds/grass are gone and it's just bare soil, but...
  3. GudaRen

    Is $3,800 reasonable?

    Hello everyone, I am from Connecticut. I want to hire a construction team to build a 8*13*6ft covered chicken run for my backyard flock. The quote he gave me is $3,800 for labor only. I am wondering is that a reasonable price? Can it be cheaper? Thank you for the input!
  4. C

    Plastic Netting Run?

    Hello! A friend is giving us chickens, and I’m looking to build a run for as cheap as possible, and I was wondering if plastic netting is a safe option. The point of the run will be to keep the chickens from other parts of the yard (berry bushes, garden). We have a big fence and a dog guarding...
  5. M

    Needing inspiration on attaching a run to this coop

    Hey everyone! I’m still researching and learning and plan to get my chickens in the spring. I have purchased a coop I found on marketplace (see picture) I plan to place this coop within my fenced in backyard but also I need to attach a run to it somehow because I have 2 dogs that would love a...
  6. Bubblesunrise

    Coop Safety from Raccoons

    Hello! I lost three of my 4 hens. It’s completely devastated me. I live in town and my birds were free range in my yard. They had been totally okay till a few days ago. After this I am choosing to do a completely new setup.l where they will be in a very large run so they aren’t restricted to a...
  7. Bladester

    My New BLUE Coop and Run Design Finally Finished (9 Long weekends LOL)

    Hello All: I am a recent new homesteader and backyard chicken owner; living in Eastern PA. I bought my first set of chicks in June and received them on August 16th 2022. I have a total of 6 chickens; 2 WHITE Rocks, 2 Rhode Island REDs, and 2 BLACK Australorps. I built a 6 x 6 x 5 foot coop and...
  8. R

    New kiddie coop for cheap

    I bought several chicks hoping to stick them in with my sweet, broody hens. Did not go well, but I managed to save all 9. I had to do my best to construct a hack job version of a brooder on the fly. My plan was to upgrade through out the week but I lost my job the next day, as well as the means...
  9. R

    Coop design input

    This is my first dip into chicken raising. My wife brought up the idea years ago when we bought our house but we never put any serious thought into it until this year. I spent about a month researching what should go into a chicken coop, and coming up with a design for ours. I used these forums...
  10. April and Andy

    New Coop / Run Questions

    Hello Everyone! Two ducks incoming next spring, starting preperations now. I have a few questions! 1. Is 13'x10' big enough of a run for 2 ducks, it would include their 2x6 hutch, and a 4x4 pool, as their 'run' will be their place all day. When we are home they will be free range in the yard...
  11. K

    No coop?

    We’re raising our first 5 chicks right now! They’re almost 2 weeks old. We were going to build a coop/run while they were in the brooder for the first 5ish weeks, but it is looking like it is going to be pretty expensive with the price of lumbar right now. Is it possible to just build a super...
  12. wilsonnickp

    First Coop and Run Build

    Hey everyone! My dad and I recently built my first coop and run. We built it over 3 or 4 Saturdays when he could drive down and help and I have been basically constantly working on it since. Well actually, I acquired and reused the coop and we built a run around it. We have no experience...
  13. E

    Pre-fab runs?

    Hi- posting this question because all the threads I find are several years old. We have a solid coop and want to find a pre-made run. We know that mesh is the way to go and have tons of predators around so need the enclosure to be super tight. we have 8 chickens so need at least 80 sq feet...
  14. F

    Cable tying mesh to wood as temporary measure

    Hi all, I'm constructing a new 16' X 6' walk in run from Pressure treated (tanalised) timber (C24). I want to paint this wood but I've been advised to wait at least 6-8 weeks to allow any moisture to escape from the wood before I paint it. My hens arrive in 3 weeks time, so I want to build the...
  15. A

    Hardware cloth under run?

    Seems like everyone will say I over-reacted, but I feel terrified of predators getting to my beautiful hens. So I rolled out 1/2” galvanized hardware cloth under my new run. I put in pea gravel and straw thinking the depth would protect their feet from the wire. But they scratch and peck down...
  16. L

    Chicken run improvement suggestions anyone?

    We recently bought a house and a 6 bay shop. Attached to the end of the shop is four “stalls”. Along the backside of the shop is a fenced in area (fenced is a strong word lol). The stall closest to the run was converted into a chicken coop with a raisable door. We have our chickens in there now...
  17. 4'x4' Coop & 2'x4' Coop w/ 8'x12' attached run.

    4'x4' Coop & 2'x4' Coop w/ 8'x12' attached run.

    So, my coop... It is always changing. I originally built an 4'x4' box that is 2' tall and put it on 18" legs for my brooder box. At around 4 weeks old i started to build onto this box. Adding the roof with a full vent on top, and making both roof pitches access doors. This allows me to get...
  18. B

    Newbie - Looking to fix up old coop and add run

    Hey all, I am new the site and am moving shortly to a home with a little space and a run-down chicken coop. I would like to fix it up and add on a nice sized run for my flock of around 8-10 that are currently in eggs sitting under a friend's hen. Background info: 1) I'm in central North...
  19. FLXChicken

    For the Run: Wood Chips or Sand, Back and Forth! Here's a photo - thoughts?

    Hi all, I have read so many threads here on what to use in the chicken run. And, outside of BYC I have watched videos and read articles. But I am now at a point where I am stuck. I have read pros and cons to both. (My husband is losing his patience with me, I think!) And "experts" and...
  20. Fort Clucks - A secure Run and Coop for six Chickens.

    Fort Clucks - A secure Run and Coop for six Chickens.

    We live out in the country, in a country style subdivision, in Central Texas near Ft Hood. We have houses around us, but they are all on an acre and a quarter or more sized lots. Lots of small livestock out here, like chickens, goats, and horses. My wife had a pet chicken when she was growing...
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