sapphire gem

  1. pinecone33

    what gender & breed is this?

    so we have this almost 10 week old chicken and I’m struggling to find out if it’s a cockerel or pullet and also what breed? i did think it could be a sapphire gem but I don’t know. (Also I hope I used the words right but I assume pullet means girl chicken and cockerel is boy chicken I’m new to...
  2. H

    Sapphire Gem…cockerel?

    Hello! I have a 3 week old Sapphire Gem chick from Rural King and from what I understand, Sapphire Gems are sex-linked and males have a spot on the back of their head. This Gem has no spot on the back of the head…but look at the comb already coming in! Could this be a male?
  3. Smileking0505

    Sapphire gem pullet or cockerel?

    Was sold to me as a pullet, we thought they were just a runt. Tail fathers came out in 2s instead of giant clumps. Doesn’t seem interested in the pecking order. Now I think I see some hints of barring…? They’re 5.5 weeks old. My last flock was all BO’s, so I don’t have any experience with...
  4. D

    Ayam Cemani Cross Sapphire Gems???

    Hello I had 2 sapphire hens I got from a lady who no longer wanted them and I already had younger (4hens and 1 roo) ayam cemani chickens and iv noticed my sapphire eggs are fertilized now that my roo is older now and I was curious what the chicks would come out as. Had any one else hatched out...
  5. K

    Sapphire Gem pullet or roo?

    Came out of a pullet Bin. This particular chick is the whole reason I got this breed and is my suspected roo? 😩 what do y’all think? 5-6 weeks old.
  6. V

    Sexing my Sapphire Gem chicks

    I'd like some help sexing these chicks, I've been stressing about this for 2 weeks with varying information on how to sex them. I got these chicks from someone in my county, not a store or hatchery. Said they were Sapphire Gems, they definitely look like them, so I'm not questioning the breed...
  7. Lspears218

    5 week old “unsexed” chicks

    Hi all, first time poster here I am new to BYC and a first time chicken owner. My 3 year old daughter has always loved chickens , so after a year of asking and me doing a lot of research I decided to go all in and start a backyard family flock! We have 6 chicks , 3 pullets (sapphire gems) and...
  8. ChickaChickaChooCho000

    Something Crazy With My Hen’s Vent

    Hello, so I really don’t know what else to do at this point. My Sapphire Gem Hen has been isolated for a few days from the flock because her vent was bloody a few days ago and I thought she had been pecked because another hen was pecked by my brother’s Muscovy Duck, but it wasn’t that. It had to...
  9. C

    What kind of chicken breeds do I have?

    Ok, I know some are starlight green eggers, the white are amber links. So we have sapphire gems and prairie bluebell- but how do I tell them apart? Also the one with the number 1 and a circle around it what is that breed? And the black ones with white… they were almost completely black except...
  10. Abbie_Riot

    Sapphire Gem mixed with Barred Rock?

    I bought Speedwagon as a chick from the Atwood’s and he was labeled as a sapphire gem but I think he’s mixed with barred rock. Or maybe a different breed entirely? He’s about two feet tall. Very large. Thoughts and opinions? Sorry for the lack of pictures, he’s very shy, but he’s the big grey...
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  14. C

    Pests or rooster?

    This may be stupid but my Roos favorite hen has this on her feathers. She’s the only one of my flock. Her feathers are crispy? feeling and discolored. I’ve not tried cleaning it off. Is this pests? Bad aim? It’s only right above and beside her tail. None of her feathers look chewed or shortened...
  15. ChickChic00

    What breed are these 3 roosters?

    Got some roosters from a friend and he got them from rural king and one of them from a breeder. One is supposed to be a blue Sapphire gem. And the other two wyandottes. They don't really look both like wyandottes to me. One has straight comb and more black.
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