
  1. Artichoke Lover

    Sewing Thread!

    I’ve seen several threads related to sewing (Seeing Machine Collecters, Quilting, specific projects, etc. But there doesn’t seem to be a general sewing thread so I decided to creat one. Share favorite patterns, what you are working on, finished projects, questions or ideas! I’ve been sewing...
  2. Grey Gables

    Hem Tape for Coop Curtains ?

    Hi! I tried searching around a little but didn't see much on this topic. Has anyone used the iron hem tape (heat bond, whatever it's called) to make curtains for your coop? I've used it for other projects but was wondering if the summer heat would be an issue and cause the hem to come undone. I...
  3. Baba Whailen

    Grandpa Friend

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am new to chickens, I started my flock this year with 3 ayam cemani girls and a polish/cochin roo (a few months ago I inherited a Lavender Orphington from my neighbor who needed to down size) (2) How many chickens do you have...
  4. Ninjasquirrel

    Sewing machine is squeaking...

    I have an old 1980ish Kenmore. Its always had a deep whirl while it has run. But today it started making a new sound. I was quilting like normal. I hadnt changed any settings or fabric. It began to squeak like a mouse and the top thread snapped. I went around and oiled the machine at every...
  5. pigeonflight

    Chicken plush animals

    Made some chicken plush animals the past few days. Started out with a coyote, then I decided to do some chickens. First stab at drafting these patterns: Buff Orpington hen and red bearded Silkie roo. Buff orpington is going to get a revision for the next one. Awaiting the eyes, why they all look...
  6. Barn Yarn Chicken

    Need a Farm Name

    Hello Everyone! So I am in need of farm/business name for Facebook! I am selling crocheted projects/handmade items right now and want to start selling chickens and goats. So what would be a good farm name? TIA! (I can post photos of projects I have done if anyone would like to see!)
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