
  1. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  2. Flutterbudget

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    Hi all, This morning unfortunately we had a fox visit the garden but due to hearing it and my partner darting out, the fox dropped my precious poppet and scarpered. (5am). She has a puncture wound above her right wing and to her tummy. She’s had a bath, I’ve cleaned the wounds with vetericyn...
  3. H

    Help please! Chicken in shock post surgery

    I have a sapphire gem that had a severe vent prolapse and egg binding corrected with vet surgery yesterday afternoon. Since the procedure, she has seemed to be in shock from everything I have read. Lethargic, won’t move much, sleeping and breathing deeply. I have her in a large dog kennel in a...
  4. F

    Injured and Shocked hen

    Hello all. I am fairly new to chicken raising and could really use some advice. The other night, Saturday, while I was getting my chickens ready to go in their coop for the night, one (or possibly two) of my hens viciously attacked another one of my hens. I have two chicken species, Rhode Island...
  5. T

    Do this if your bird is in shock!

    Hello all, A while ago, my chickens and other poultry were being harassed by members of the canine group, and on three occasions I had come to find my birds in the drooling mouth of a dog and after chasing and rescuing my chicken from fate, I could clearly see they were in a shock. This is...
  6. Emery03

    Hen fell in pool

    My hen fell in our swimming pool and was in there for almost an hour. I am in Florida, so it’s not very cold but definitely cool enough to cause hypothermia. She was floating when we found her, she seemed exhausted. We put her on a heating pad and put her in a box in a dark quiet room. She is...
  7. N

    Wing ripped off, serious predator attack wound

    I had this issue a while back and my bird made it through, he's now a healthy pet who will never go to freezer camp. Thought I'd share and help others in this emergency. Unbeknownst to me my juvenile turkeys were roosting on the edge of their water bucket because it was slightly higher than...
  8. SummerTheAnimalGirl

    Bobcat attack, please help!

    Long story short a bobcat attacked one of my hens. He grabbed onto her neck but my dad jumped out of the window and was able to get the bobcat to drop her and run off. There are no bad wounds, just some missing feathers and a little bit of blood but that is the extent of it. She is not acting...
  9. E

    Unresponsive chicken in shock

    Hi, I have a 2 year old silkie who was swooped by a magpie today and has caused an injury to her eye. Immediately after the attack she went into what I think is shock but it has now been over 6 hours and she is still laying in a basket of towels unresponsive. If I touch her she has what seems to...
  10. The_Chicken_Tender

    Hawk attack

    Today one of my hens got attacked by a hawk or something, but I scared it away. She lost feathers on her back, but only one area seems to be injured, and it's not even bleeding. I put her in a separate cage, but when she was walking earlier, it seemed like each step was extremely heavy. Then she...
  11. S

    How to treat shock?

    My rooster was attacked by another rooster, no injuries on the body but his head is in bad shape. Eyes are fine, however his comb is torn up and bleeding and missing most of his feathers on his head/neck area. I took him to an emergency vet immediately, however their exotic specialist was off...
  12. BadChicknMath02


    (scroll to bottom if you dont want to read) So, I was with my mom and sister in our backyard taking care of our horse's hoof while my dad mowed the tall grass. All of our chickens were out running around and keeping from the mower.. (We have three coops and more than one rooster in each coop...
  13. C


    My baby rooster I think was attacked and when I went out to check on him was when he was attacked I think because he ran to me and I went to check what scared him but there was nothing, but afterwards he’s been really crazy? He runs into walls and runs around and stuff and he doesn’t recognize...
  14. KristiM

    Hens not laying after hawk attack

    I don't normally free-range my flock, but with our warmer weather, I figured I could let them into our fenced garden to eat all the winter weeds. I tried to spend time out there with them as much as I could. On Sunday, we were inviting a couple friends over for a social distance backyard BBQ...
  15. chickenbritt5908

    Dog attack - possible shock

    My banty rooster jumped into the yard with my dog. It did not end well for the rooster. He’s had quite a few feathers plucked and has a bite on his wing. I cleaned him up and doctored him with vetericyn. I now have him inside in a pet carrier with some water. I’m pretty sure he’s in shock...
  16. Qquails899

    Help, my quail broke her wing!

    My coturnix quail flew out of the cage and I found her on the floor all fluffed up, gasping and with a broken wing. I think she is in a shock so I put her back into the cage and put a hot water bottle next to her. What else should I do? Please help!
  17. DiYMama540

    Coyote takes small dog from yard

    Just saw this story on Inside Edition. Pretty amazing!
  18. K

    How to treat chicken in severe shock after possum attack

    Last night, for the first time in 2 years, our gals (small backyard flock of four) didn't go up to roost for the night - we think because of the high gust winds they hid in the bushes. We have an automatic door on a timer and didn't see that they didn't go up roost until we heard what we thought...
  19. B

    Chicken in shock after introducing new hens?

    My Wyandotte’s have been on the extreme side of being easily stressed. The first time we introduced new hens to the flock, the molted from stress and their feathers grew back brittle. They’re still brittle 2 years later. We’ve been giving them crumble per the vet to try and increase their...
  20. winglesschicken

    My young chicken had its wing chewed off by a dog

    The entire wing is gone. Most of its feathers are gone. This all happened around, I'd say, an hour ago. Maybe less than that. 10:20 AM or so, I believe. It's currently in shock right now. Opens its eyes a little bit but doesn't seem to register anything. Keep shivering and twitching. (By the...
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