sick hen

  1. B

    ISA Brown Hen Acting Sick, Quiet, and Losing Weight

    My 3-year-old ISA brown hen, Sandy, has not been acting herself in the past months. She is quiet, even more so than normally and even while around the other chickens. She is slow to move with the flock as they rotate around the yard, freeranging. She ruffles her feathers, sits in one spot, and...
  2. L

    Help! Hen is still sick and I’m out of ideas!

    My 3 yr old hen has been I’ll for the past week. She was barely moving, walking like a penguin. So I brought her inside and gave her an epsom salt soak. No egg. Then noticed she has horrible smelling poops and keeps getting it all over her butt. I couldn’t find a vet to see her so I got advice...
  3. celliott24

    Egg bound or sick or something else???

    My hen has been waddling around, tail feathers down, and laying down every chance she can. She hasn’t laid in at least 26 hours. I thought she might be egg bound, but I just gloved up and felt around in her vent and can not feel an egg. There is a rather large round sack kind of between her...
  4. petey2

    Sick / Hurt Hen, stomped by dog, what to do?

    Hey all, so one of my hens was “attacked” by one of my dogs last week Thursday. I say “attacked” because it was more like a stomping, with some pulling of feathers. I was present when it happened so I was able to stop the dog almost immediately. She seemed to be fine aside from being shaken up...
  5. A

    Hen with lump/swelling on face/beak, any ideas?

    Hi, Hope you can help, I am a first time chicken owner and cant seem to find anything on the internet that looks similar. A few days ago I noticed one of my hens has a solid lump on the side of her face/close to beak area. I've been monitoring her and she has been eating and drinking...
  6. theorganicchick

    Congested Hens with nasal mucus

    I caught and isolated two hens from our flock this morning as both are coughing and one has mucus coming out of her nose. I had noticed my Wyandotte making snuffle noises but didn’t know if it was allergies or dust. Both still have reddish combs, although one is rather dry looking. Both are...
  7. S

    New Here

    We are new to chickens as of July 2023. We started with 13 chickens, down to 9, with a very sick one right now. We have 3 Buffs, Easter eggers, Columbian Wyndotte, a Rhode lsland red, are all the ones that I can think of. We love how the chickens have different personalities and we love/hate...
  8. P

    Enlarged craw…normal or a concern?

    About 4 weeks ago, my local feed store ran out of the chicken feed I had been using so I bought a different brand. It had the same protein content, etc. I didn’t realize I was supposed to change food slowly so I just loaded their feeders with the new feed. Well…long story short, three hens died...
  9. J

    What is wrong with my hen?

    Can anybody help me identify what is going on with my hen? She has recently stopped laying eggs and sits in the nesting box almost all day. Also have noticed her comb looking very odd. We live in Utah. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  10. S

    Coughing or sneezing? Help!

    One of my EE’s started making a strange sound, it reminds me of a very soft bark. I’ve watched different videos and think it’s probably a sneeze over a cough. She is acting normal as far as I can tell but I noticed the sound around 4pm today and she wasn’t doing it earlier today around 1pm. I...
  11. C

    Abnormal egg

    One of my hens is laying an egg with a soft spot and also has some rough texture to it. Unsure if that us calcium deposits. It also has very little color. It's almost completely white when normally a greenish color.
  12. A

    Vent Prolapse (that corrects itself?) & Involuntary Diarrhea

    One of my hens’ vent was prolapsed a little bit. I separated her from the flock, gave her an epsom salt bath, and manually put things back where they belong. I have been spraying Vetericyn on her vent daily. But when I pick her up, she strains, poops on herself, and her vent prolapses a little...
  13. K

    Ascites in my hen, HELP!

    Hey, I noticed that my hen, macchiato, was throwing up clear liquid whenever she bent down to peck at something. I looked it up online, and it says that she has ascites! I am so sad because it says it's untreatable and fatal. Is there anything I can do? Anyone have a chicken survive that? I am...
  14. E

    Help! Is this coryza or an infection due to injury?

    I found her lethargic 8/17 with her eye closes and swollen, head cocked to the side and separated from the flock. I put her in quarantine and began treating with saline solution. Little to no improvement. Began treating with terramycin directly in eye + saline why removing pus 2x daily. She...
  15. President_ChickenGirl

    Traumatic Chicken Experience

    Ok so this is the first time I had to deal with flystrike. My hen was sick with a tumor, and when I came back from a week-long vacation, she had gone downhill very quickly. The next night, she was sleeping in the run (which is not normal). Some of her back tail feathers were missing and so I...
  16. H

    Hen pale, broody for to long, won’t eat or drink

    Help please, anything I can try? Just gave sugar water. Yesterday I noticed how pale she was. She has been broody for weeks, I forget exactly how long and I just noticed this past week that we have red mites in the coop. I think between the heat and being broody for so long, therefore neglecting...
  17. blasttribe

    Help- Is my chicken egg bound?

    I have a hen who was kind of walking hunched over and was trying to eat and drink. She was successful in eating and drinking but she kept walking around the coop hunched over and slower than normal. Her comb and eyes are normal and she's not breathing heavily. But her entire backside under her...
  18. The chicken nurd

    Possible sick hen

    Hey everyone I have one hen who has feathers missing but I’m not sure if she’s getting picked on or something else Is going on I noticed this a few weeks ago but didn’t think anything of it at first because she was acting fine and while she’s still acting normal it does look like it’s gotten a...
  19. H

    Possible egg bound

    Hello everyone I have an issue with one of my Easter Egger hens. She breathes with a rattle sound. I don’t really think she eats as much as she should. I haven’t noticed her eggs but I do have a lot of chickens so I wouldn’t be sure which one is hers or not. She doesn’t roam the property as much...
  20. Cocohens

    Sick chicken help!

    Hi all, Please help! My oldest chicken (3.5 years) is a bit off. She’s had very poo-y feathers around her vent (I have bathed her and cleaned her up) she also has pink on her legs and slightly purple under feet. It’s not bumblefoot because they aren’t swollen and no little black marks or...
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