swollen eye

  1. B

    Swollen eye!

    Hi! Help needed for a very inflamed eye! I came home today to one of my chickens left eye extremely swollen, this morning it was completely fine and i cant seem to figure out the cause. She has been acting completely normal with no nasal or chest problems, no crust or leaking in the eye either...
  2. TheHerbs3

    Rooster with very swollen eye? Help!

    Hi. I'm not sure what's wrong with this rooster and I would greatly appreciate some assistance. FYI this isn't my rooster, he belongs to the rescue I work at. The rooster is of unknown age, and is probably a barnyard mix. He lives with a mix of other farm animals (chickens, ducks, geese...
  3. N

    Hen with swollen eye!

    Hello everyone I'm new here! I have a Bantam that Is 10 months old and she currently has just 1 extremely swollen eye that's leaking yellow pus from both eyes. The last 3 1/2 months she has had this swelling that comes and goes frequently after a bout of fowl pox. 2 months ago it cleared up and...
  4. N

    Hen with swollen eye

    Hello everyone I'm new here! I have a Bantam that Is 10 months old and she currently has just 1 extremely swollen eye that's leaking yellow pus from both eyes. The last 3 1/2 months she has had this swelling that comes and goes frequently after a bout of fowl pox. 2 months ago it cleared up and...
  5. M

    Swollen Eye Bantam

    Hi everyone. Speckles has had bubbles in one eye for a couple of weeks now. We took her to the vet, and she gave us Chlorsig drops to apply twice a day for 5 days. We did this for 2 additional days with no results. The vet then recommended trying the VetRx. I found the instructions a bit...
  6. Afrodigh

    Worms after a respiratory infection?

    My hens have had a respiratory infection (I think) for close to a week. I took the sickest one to a vet and was given antibiotics for the whole flock as well as meloxicam to help with symptoms. They’ve had low energy, coughing, congestion, and swollen eyes. I am on day 6 (out of 7) of...
  7. HaHaFarms

    Help, swollen face & eye, bloody beak, not eating

    Hoping someone can help me. My 7 1/2 year old buff Orpington is having difficulty eating and drinking, and the concern is becoming real. It started late April, following winter in Minnesota, I thought she had a dirty beak. Snow had just melted, everything kind of muddy. After several weeks it...
  8. OnTheRoadLessTraveled

    Swollen Eye / Cloudy Eye - help!

    I’ve tried searching through the threads and can’t seem to find something similar— also researched for two days now what could be wrong- so thanks for any help! I have about an 11 week cockoo Maran whose one eye is swollen, shut most of the time, and when she opens it’s clouded over with...
  9. C

    My australorps eye/one side of face is swollen

    Hi there! I noticed this morning one side of my hens face around her eye is swollen. I’m not sure what happened. I don’t see a puncture or a cut. She’s pretty skittish. How do I treat this? I have vetricyn, blue cote and some other sprays. Im not sure if any will treat this though. We just...
  10. kurby22

    Pecking injuries or something worse??

    Our sweet rooster Ruby looks like this and we can’t find evidence of anyone else in the run having fought with him, but this looks like injuries from fighting? I have quail and seen many brutal pecking injuries, but never this bad with chickens so it has me concerned I’m missing something. Am I...
  11. MyDaisyMae

    Baby Chick with 3rd Eyelid and Swollen Protruding Eyeball

    Does anyone know the cause of this? I just adopted this chick today and it had a swollen eyeball and what appears to be a 3rd eyelid shut. It is eating and drinking fine -- but not certain if this looks familar to anyone? I just applied triple ophthalmic ointment in case it's an infection...
  12. L

    Hen one eye closed/swollen please help!

    Hi one of my hens right eye recently been closed and is swelling. I suspect one of my other hens pecked it as I checked inside the eye but didn't see anything stuck, but seems her eye is hurting. When I open her eyelids, I can see she's moving her eye & blinking, so seems functional...
  13. Chiiiickens

    URGENT Chickens eye swollen

    About a week ago, I noticed her eye swollen and red. Redness has gone down, but now there’s green gunk and it gets stuck shut. Reminds me of pink eye. When her eye is open, it’s hazy and I see a white spot that’s under her lower lid. I’ve been treating with vetericyn wash and gel to no avail...
  14. CloneFly

    Swollen Eyes

    Last night I noticed my 9month old EE's eyes were a bit swollen with the surrounding area red. I did notice an old peck mark far above her eye, but it's almost completely healed up; though she is towards the bottom of the "Coop System" lol. Besides the swelling, she's eating/drinking normally...
  15. R

    Bulging cloudy eye on cockerel/chick

    I am a newbie that has discovered a passion for these feathered friends. I noticed a bulging eye on this cockerel(I am not 100% sure) four months ago. At that stage the eye was almost always open but cloudy, so presumably blind. I had confirmation in his/her behaviour: easily frightened and not...
  16. Karen612

    Major swollen eye RIR rooster

    Hey everyone. Yesterday I noticed my RIR rooster’s left eye was extremely swollen and the eye looks a bit grey. He also seems to not be able to hold his head completely stable, but he had a neck injury a few months ago. he’s not sneezing and he’s still crowing. Poop looks normal. Our chicks free...
  17. CayugaMama

    Respiratory Illness? Serious?

    My 1-year-old Silkie Hen has had a swollen face the past few days. I just thought the mosquitos had gotten her, but I noticed today that she has thick white mucus in one of her eyes. And ideas as to what this could be? Should I separate her? Is it serious?
  18. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Swelling Around Eye - Neighbor's Chicken

    One of my neighbor's chickens recently came to me with a bad limp. I took her in to rest in a big dog crate for a few days and she healed beautifully, so I had released her back to her flock. Since then she's been attached to my hip. Sadly, a few days later, I noticed one of her eyes is swollen...
  19. agold23

    Possible URI? First time chicken owner

    I have 20/21 week old easter egger hen who recently developed a swollen eye. I texted the woman I got them from and she said to isolate her (she’s in the 10x10 outdoor cat pen with a wooden crate to sleep in) give her antibiotic eye drops (we will shortly be picking up Visine eye drops) applying...
  20. amynw

    Help, swollen eye getting worse

    Please help. I don’t know what I’m dealing with. She is the oldest chicken I have and she has had eye problems for the last 3 days. I started antibiotic ointment for her eye today. But I’d like to know what I’m working with. No other symptoms of any illness or anything. Eating fine, active, and...
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