Pecking injuries or something worse??


Crossing the Road
Apr 12, 2021
Sacramento Area, California
Our sweet rooster Ruby looks like this and we can’t find evidence of anyone else in the run having fought with him, but this looks like injuries from fighting? I have quail and seen many brutal pecking injuries, but never this bad with chickens so it has me concerned I’m missing something.

Am I wrong and this looks like an illness instead of a pecking injury to anyone else? He’s not acting sick, but he hasn’t eaten much and is resting a lot. I’ve felt around the eye as much as he will let me and the area feels swollen—nothing hard to indicate infection. I’ve applied Vetrycin, Terramycin, and given him some Amoxicillin in case it gets infected. Any other suggestions?

It looks like he is bloody from a fight. He may have been pecked and run into fencing. Do you have another rooster? Keep up irrigating his eye with saline or eye wash, and apply the Terramycin twice a day. Let us know if the eye is seen intact. He probably doesn’t feel well, and he can’t see out of the eye. So offer him the water and some wet feed up to his beak every 2 hours. Keep him quiet and hopefully, he will feel better in a few days.
It looks like he is bloody from a fight. He may have been pecked and run into fencing. Do you have another rooster? Keep up irrigating his eye with saline or eye wash, and apply the Terramycin twice a day. Let us know if the eye is seen intact. He probably doesn’t feel well, and he can’t see out of the eye. So offer him the water and some wet feed up to his beak every 2 hours. Keep him quiet and hopefully, he will feel better in a few days.
Okay, thanks. He crowed this morning, so I take that as a good sign. Hopefully he still has his eye, but he doesn't like me touching that are long enough to check on his eye.

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