too many roosters

  1. E

    7 Rooter and 4 hens - need advice on how to handle this

    Got them as 1 day old chicks at the beginning of March this year. They are a little over 4 months old now but have been crowing since less than 3mo old. The chickens were unsexed for the most part and I ended up with 7 roosters and 4 hens. Coop politics are a bit rough. Lots of rooster on...
  2. Moodleroni

    Moodleroni Farms - My 'Chicken Math' Origin Story

    Setting the scene: So I live in Southern Arizona, in a small city within a suburb, in a tiny pocket of county zoning. I have an 8ft. cinder block fence separating my backyard from a random alley, and my backyard is sectioned into two sides by a black metal fence (for safety): the yard side & the...
  3. M

    Permanently split or no?

    Still new to chickens here and looking for some advice. We’re considering a bachelor flock for our six boys 😱 Different sizes, the little guys leave the big girls alone and (most of) the big guys leave the small girls alone. We have one Brahma rooster crushing badly on a 1lb bantam hen but...
  4. TheBirdBabe

    What age do you thin out your roosters?

    I have raised 2 "flocks" of chicks, I'm currently on number 3. Each time, I've waited FAR too long to get rid of roosters (in fact, I made a bachelor pad for some I couldn't stand to see go!) I think this go round I have at least 4 out of 10. 😥 What age do you cull your roos? Do you do it as...
  5. Nikkit7272

    Selling 2 Lavender Orpington Roosters

    Selling 2 Lavender Orpington Roosters for $20 each. Gorgeous birds! North Georgia or Southeastern Tennessee. Raised from hatchlings on organic feed. I just have too many roosters. Please let me know if you are interested.
  6. Jacqui66

    This is my first chicken rodeo!

    Hi BYC Community, My name is Jacqui Myers and I am new to chickens. I currently have fifteen 16-week old chickens and twenty-four 9-week old Guineas. I have a Silkie, a few Rhode Island Reds, some Lace Wyandotte’s, a California Gray, a Light Brahma, a few Bantams, and the rest I think are a mix...
  7. B

    6 roosters-2 hens

    I ordered ten 'female' Barred Rock chicks, lost two in transit. Of the 8 remaining, 6 are roosters. I had no idea I had anything to be concerned about until I called the hatchery today. The lady asked me if I was going to slaughter the roosters. Now I am trying to figure out what to do. I easily...
  8. fatmomolive

    Too many Roos

    Question. I have a flock of 19 now 18 birds. They will be a year old in May. We unfortunately had some miss sexing and have a total of 6 roosters. I know the flock isn’t equipped to handle that many boys but unfortunately me and my kids fell in love with them. They have all gotten along...
  9. Liz Birdlover

    Roosters - can they get along together?

    Please give me your feedback about your experiences with those beautiful, protective and zany Roosters - having more than 1, adding more, what you've done and how you've managed. Although I've had experience with various birds, I'm fairly new to the Chicken World. I love my Roos dearly, they...
  10. RoostersAreAwesome

    Rooster Flock Thread

    This is the new and improved rooster flock thread! Come here to learn and talk about rooster flocks, give advice, or simply share your experience with rooster flocks! I will try to answer any questions about rooster flocks (and roosters in general), and I encourage others to do so as well! If...
  11. Rooster Flocks

    Rooster Flocks

    If you have too many roosters, a simple solution is to start a rooster flock. A rooster flock is a flock that consists of all roosters and no hens. How do Rooster-Only Flocks Work? You may think the idea of a rooster flock is ridiculous. After all, if a rooster fights with another rooster when...
  12. RoostersAreAwesome

    Rooster Flocks!

    So I think that more people need to know about rooster flocks. I think a rooster flock is a good way to keep those "extra" roosters..... All you need to do is make sure there aren't any bullies, and if there is you might want a bigger pen for them. Here's a pic of my flock of 5 roosters
  13. Canterbury Hen

    What to do with an extra rooster?

    I think I already know the answer to this, but I have to ask so my mom will be satisfied: Last August my mom and I bought six newly hatched chicks from My Backyard Chicken: five hens, one rooster. (Because my mom's boyfriend HAD to have a goddamn rooster, and my ma won't say "no" to him.) We...
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