vent gleet

  1. Akachicklil

    Hen is Injured or Sick. Please help.

    Hello Everyone, Ive gone over potential differentials and I’ve come down to one; bumblefoot. Main concern is change in activity, eating pattern, and poop change. Im not sure if anything else is going on or if this is just a result of bumble foot. Below I will try my best to provide a past and...
  2. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Is this the start of a vent prolapse?

    I've been treating my 3 y/o BO for suspected vent gleet. She stopped laying a week ago and seems to have gone out of lay completely for now (no squatting nor nesting activity, shrunken comb, eating less feed, etc.) Today I noticed when inspecting her vent I could see a little tissue just on the...
  3. zed07

    Hidden, not moving bottom heavy hen - help!

    I came up to the hen’s coop today and saw one of our active hens, Lisa, hidden in a corner, sitting down, very fluffed up, eyes closed. She is almost two and a half years old and is a rescue hen. I had noticed her vent being a little messy yesterday, and wondered if it was vent gleet - but now...
  4. Denise1015

    Vent Gleet and prolapse

    Hello! My hen has what looks to be Vent Gleet. See photo. She also has prolapse for 3 days. She had an egg stuck but I was able to help her pass. She gurgles at times. I bathe her in warm water/epsom salt times 2 a day. I have used Monistat cream, honey and olive oil. I can’t seem to...
  5. J

    Having a Rooster Emergency with hard poop stuck to/crusted in his vent area need help! pasty butt?

    hello there guys, so the title says it all here in this case, last couple days now about four i noticed my rooster has had hard time pooping which he never does he was making straining sounds too while he does go and had runny diarrhea like poops but they looked normal other wise. I believe he...
  6. Ambera

    Blood and discharge coming from Chicken's vent!

    Hello, I have a sick chicken and would appreciate some help. Parsnip is a 1 year old Chalk Hill Blue hybrid (a blue egg layer). She is part of a flock of 4 backyard hens, who have been kept in a cage for bird flu reasons (We are in the UK). They are fed on layers pellets with a handful of corn...
  7. Mariakoltsa

    Prolapse and ..? Is it gleet ?? No smell. pictures

    Hi! My very first prolapse with my chicken. Noticed one day after being away for 5 days, that my otherwise always healthy chicken Oopsie has a dirty bum. Grabbed her guessing she has worms but had a nasty prolapse covered in something. I thought it was poop but now im not sure. I decided to use...
  8. J

    Vent Gleet and Vent Prolapse (Shell Less Egg Half Inside Half Outside)

    As I was doing my morning chores, i noticed some chickens eating egg off of the floor below where they roost. I went to check it out and saw that it wasn't just egg but also some thing that looked like its intestines it also had worms in it. I went to check it out and look at the chickens who...
  9. M

    Help 1 Hen has yellow crust round bottom of wattle and another has dirty bum

    New to keeping hens got 4 hens in September at this point only getting 2 eggs per day, is this less our normal amount for time of year? Also just notices one of my hens has yellow crust on wattle hen is active and eatting well should I be concerned? Also one of my hens came to me with a dirty...
  10. F

    Frostbite, vent gleet, curly toes, and molt

    So some backstory. My blue wheaten ameraucana chickens name is Gimble. Gimble has curly toe paralysis. We live in Northern BC. It's actually been super mild so far, with temps right at freezing. So my girls have been moulting for a good month and a half while Gimble just started about a week...
  11. 6

    How Come No One Will Help?

    This has puzzled me for 10 months…Literally. In fall 2020, my hens molted. However, one of my hens didn’t grow any feathers back on her neck and shoulder area. I saw some lice and treated with DE and Manna Pro Lice Spray. She never grew those feathers back!!! Then another hen had the exact...
  12. T

    Egg bound, vent gleet, or??

    Advice appreciated! My chicken seemed fine then suddenly I noticed today her crop and under her vent were bulging. Either I didn’t notice anything sooner or it came on suddenly. It looks like her feathers are missing or just spread out a bit from the bulging, she has green/yellow diarrhea and...
  13. marissa98

    Possible Vent Gleet or Other Issue-Chicken Can't Walk!

    On Sunday evening, we found one of our hens under the nesting boxes. She was sitting with her legs out in front of her. We pulled her out and gave her water to drink and she gulped it down. We assumed she was just majorly dehydrated which was preventing her from being able to use her legs. After...
  14. A

    Sour crop and vent gleet

    I have 23 chickens, about 7 of them have some form of sour crop or vent gleet. I have treated these hens twice with Monistat which didn't seem to do anything. They have a squishy crop at night and poopy butts. Anyone have this issue in such great numbers? I am not comfortable making them...
  15. LordEvan5

    Persistent vent gleet

    I have a hen with very persistent vent gleet. I would like to help her I have been bathing her and spraying her with Banixx. She doesn’t seem to be getting better, what can you, my friends recommend.
  16. M

    Chicken with a dirty bum?

    I have a chicken (around 2y.o.) in my flock of 4 that has started to lose her neck feathers and the feathers on her back end are getting very dirty. Noticed loss of neck feathers and dirty bum a few days ago (we just had a heat wave for 3 days, around 100F). Her behavior is still normal, eating...
  17. My sweet girls

    Please help my girl

    Beware! Photos not for the weak. Started yesterday. All of a sudden she was very lethargic and couldn’t move. She dropped a egg on our way into the house. I thought she was gonna die any moment. :’(. Her vent area has yellowish liquid discharge and her belly feels squishy and bloated. I drew 7ml...
  18. M

    Help my hen is sick!!

    Hello all!! I have a sweet hen mix that is sick...we received her a few weeks ago and she was laying healthy brown eggs. I'm adding photos to help troubleshoot- this is the feed we began giving to her and her eggs began to get soft every day.. Often they are broken before I can retrieve them...
  19. FinleyMcChicken

    HELP!!! Is this Vent Gleet or something worse?

    I'm trying to figure out what this is--I've bathed her twice and poor bum is red and bare under all the diarrhea. Looks like regular color diarrhea but today I see more of the white. I have ordered Corid and Nystatin just wondering what I do next here. Today she is visibly not well, comb is...
  20. DoubleYolk123

    Vent gleet, and a flock prone to issues/diseases

    Hi, so I have a small flock on my back garden who just seem to always get sick I’ve had them coming up a year, and we’ve already spent a couple of hundred pounds on vet bills. They’ve had parasites, they now have vent gleet, and they’ve seen the vets twice already now. First it was new chickens...
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