
  1. M

    Damaged wing/strange growth on hen

    Yesterday I noticed one of my hands hanging out sitting around, but I just assumed she was doing her own thing however, today I noticed that she’s just sitting there staring very low energy. When I went over to her, she didn’t even budge and when I picked her up, she was extremely docile with...
  2. C

    Wing issue with my chick. Possible deformity?

    I have 2 lavender and 2 chocolate Orpingtons right now and one of my lavender’s just stands out completely. Its poor wings… i have no idea what is wrong with it. Perfectly healthy and honestly its much bigger than the rest of them. Has anyone ever experienced a chicken with wing issues before...
  3. G

    Old Duck PLS HELP

    Hello! I am making this post in hopes that someone can suggest something to help my duck… I have a Muscovy duck named SPLASH who is quite old, he is about 15 yrs old, has lost sight in one eye, but still kicking :) SPLASH has always had wat we just called a ‘wonky wing’ ((we assumed he injured...
  4. A

    Dark red lump under wing

    Hello, my chicken was holding her wing awkwardly and when I looked underneath there is a horrifically big lump. Does anyone know what it could be and if it's curable or if I need to cull her please? I've learned the hard way not to let them suffer if they're very sick.
  5. K

    Wing problem

    I have a 9 month old buff orpington. The last few days she seems a little off. Eating and drinking normal. Poop normal. But she seems a little tired and stand offish. I picked her up to give her an inspection and from how she looks she is fine. But. When she started flapping her wings she only...
  6. S

    Pekin Duck Hurt Wing - Help

    We have a 1 year old Pekin Drake - we have no other birds. He sleeps in a chicken coop - two levels good size. We have noticed he will flap his wings in the coop while we are letting him out - but he never seemed injured. The last 5 days have been the same. He looks normal - no drooping wing...
  7. C

    Injury to wing? Or cocci? 12 week old Easter egger

    Hey all, I’m back with another ask for help. My Easter egger was fine the other day, today I noticed she was slower moving and sleeping while she stands. Reminds me of when she had cocci but her poo looks fine other than being kind of watery more than usual. I am attaching photos of how her...
  8. R

    Can Ducks Swim With Wrapped Wings?

    I have a six week old duckling that has angel wing. I've been treating her by wrapping her wings close to her body with vetrap and a chicken harness. I have heard this can put her at a risk of drowning, so I changed my block's run so that it only has water shallow enough for them to stand in...
  9. M

    Weird wing on baby chick!

    Hello! I have a baby Brahma with a weird wing. It didn’t show sings of discomfort when inspecting it and it can move it. Could this be just a growth deformity? Or something else? I just want to make sure it doesn’t affect its quality of life. Chick is less than a week old
  10. A

    Do chickens get new wing feathers?

    I had a chicken injured last fall by a dog that we were able to save, but in the process, I had to clip back feathers on one wing, so the feathers didn’t contaminate the wound and reduce risk of infection and irritation from rubbing, as the wound was right behind/under the back of her wing...
  11. D

    Is it normal for one of my duck’s wings to be droopy and the other fine or could this be angel wing?

  12. D

    Broke wing, passed away

    Hi, I have had ducks for a few years now. My female Rouen I have had is part of my original flock (4 years). On Sunday I noticed she had a broken/sprained wing as it was hanging down, I caught her and examined it, she didn’t have any visible break but she also didn’t have any strength in it so I...
  13. W

    Dropped Wing

    My girl appears to have a broken wing. Can’t think how. She is behaving normally eating etc but it’s dropped down and sticking out. She can still move it. Any thoughts please? Sorry new on here these are pics relating to my question ‘Dropped Wing’
  14. C

    One wing in 4 day old chick droopy and not working nearly as much as other side.

    I have a baby chick about 4 days old. It can walk but wobbly. Once it falls on its side that the wing seems not to be working it cannot get back up while if it falls to the side the wing looks and use is normal it catches itself from falling. I have been adding egg yolk, green tea, and a vitamin...
  15. V

    Something wrong with wing.

    This baby hatched today at around 1 am and yes I had help it about one day ago because it was refusing to pip After the first pip but is wing looks de feathered. Is this normal?
  16. R

    Holding wing away from body

    This girl is intermittently holding one wing away from her body. Sometimes she’s doing it and sometimes she’s not. She doesn’t appear in distress. Is this a common injury or strain? And how long before you would seek veterinary care?
  17. 0

    Angel wing?

    First time duck owner and a couple of my ducks developed a wing/wings that stick out. First we thought it was just the weight of all the incoming feathers. Thought it couldn't be angel wing as when they would spread their wings out (flapping them) wing looked normal. Diet info: Fed duckling...
  18. 5

    PLEASE HELP!! Broken or Stiff Wing?!?

    Hello! This morning when I let my chickens out, I saw that one of them had their wing out and up, as if stretching or something. After a few seconds, she wouldn’t lower her wing, so I gently pushed her wing down, and carefully put her longer wing feathers together, and back into place. When I...
  19. Angelique123456

    Peachums goose has an injury

    Hello all I would like to know if anyone knows how to fix this injury on my baby he is a big boy. His wing is twisted the wrong way. It is floppy. He was dropped by my son by accident due to his heavy weight and always squirming. You know how goes are. so if anyone has any ideas how to repair...
  20. P

    Chick with wing malformation ?

    Hello, I had a broody hen so decided to put some fertile eggs under her that I bought locally, 3 Sussex and 3 brahmas. Every one of them hatched except one brahma, and all is going well, the mummy takes very good care of them, even now after 6 weeks. They all developed nicely, and have all got...
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