
  1. Hball

    Winter care in KY!

    I have a 10x10 with an full sided insulated wood coop house for my ducks. I have been adding straw to the floor (on concrete) since fall so it’s pretty deep. It gets so wet and nasty that I’m wanting to get rid of all the straw and get those rubber mats with the drainage holes like those used in...
  2. J

    Flock not looking too good this winter

    Hello, so I've notice that this late fall/winter my flock hasn't been looking too good. I've had one hen die randomly, looking back I think maybe she got a vitamin deficiency some how but I'm not 100%. I'm worried for my flock because I've noticed some things that could be related to a harsh...
  3. Jaeden Mckinley

    Waterers and what works best in the winter

    Hey Everyone, this is a question I have been wanting to ask since I got chickens. What is the best way to get nice clean water to my flock every day without having to clean the water because the chickens kick dirt and dust into it? The Plan The plan was to buy some 10-15 gallon rubber tubs...
  4. U

    Keeping chickens in winter

    Has anyone any tips for keeping chickens in winter , how to keep them warm at night , how to dry them off after they have been in the rain , any supplements they might need , coop and run maintenance and so on . Thank you :)
  5. Browniethechicken

    Considerations for wrapping run/coop in plastic to prepare for winter in Massachusetts?

    I’m including pictures. I have wrapped my run and I am wondering if I wrapped it too much. I live in Massachusetts. As you can see I have one section that is open. I feel badly that they can’t see outside much. Should I make a window in one section? I read that it’s most important to have the...
  6. M

    Winterizing our coop

    This will be my second winter with our chickens, but the first with our silkies. They were Decmber & January hatches, so they grew up in the house. I am afraid of them getting too cold this winter. is there anything more I can do to keep my flock warm? We are located in the northern maritimes...
  7. Cloverr39

    How cold is too cold for chickens?

    I've heard chickens will be fine walking aoutside in -20°C weather, but what about at night? I only have a small wooden coop made out of pallets and one layer of styrofoam along the walls. The breeds I have are silkies, bantam brahmas and bantam cochins. Overall pretty small and compact breeds...
  8. The duck father_

    Helping a goose with hypothermia

    My white Chinese goose got out last night, he had a heat lamp and wind blocks but I guess he never went into them. What's the best I can do to help him? I got him wrapped up in warm towels in a bath. His temperature was only about 90F when I got him in, and he was completely blue. It's reading...
  9. Kirmi8

    Automatic door - Solar power

    Hi everyone. I have a chickenguard Extreme door and have been burning through batteries now that it’s cold out. We are looking at trying to set up solar for it as changing batteries is a pain. Does anyone have an experience and recommendations on equipment to do this? Thanks!
  10. Lspears218

    Silkie Broody in Mid October?

    My silkie hen is about 7 months old now and for the first time ever she is broody. My concern is that we are in mid October. We live in central Louisiana , it does get cold in the winter (40s in the day, 30s at night during the January-February months) I know it isn’t the coldest environment by...
  11. M

    Too cold this winter for chicks :(

    Hello! I recently got 10 chicks shipped to me and they’re around 2 weeks old right now I also have one chick that is 3 weeks old and I thought I would be able to put them in their permanent coop this winter before it gets cold but it’s getting cold here VERY fast and it’s gonna be a very snowy...
  12. T

    Winterizing Coop - Draft Free… but still has ventilation? Confused!

    I‘m sorry if this is a dumb question, but I’m a newbie at this and I’m confused. How do I make the coop draft free but still have ventilation for the winter (I’m located in PA)? Won‘t the ventilation openings be a place where drafts come in? And how can you even check for drafts to begin with if...
  13. Stefankeyes

    Winter run / coop heating

    So not really about heating. I have 2 hens. A welsummer and a cream legbar. We are nearing winter here in Scotland. Our winters can be quite brutal for temps. This is my first winter having my chickens outside. they have a 8x8ft Run in our back yard thats 6ft tall. Our winter temps can get down...
  14. K

    Over ez coop in winter

    Hello!!! I have done a ton of research about winterizing chicken coops but I would like to ask specific questions about my coop that I havent been able to find. We live in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan in the snow belt where we get TONS of snow and the temps can stay at 0 or below for weeks...
  15. TreeStrepek

    Winterizing Coup in -0

    Hi Y’all! I am attaching a picture of a large cage I am thinking of putting insulation on the outside of this & protecting with wood. In Illinois- it gets COLD for about 1 month a year. I thought this might help my dozen hens. It is a very TRYING stressful month when they cannot go out &...
  16. Lolaish

    Heating source

    I'm in need of a safe heating source for my Coturnix quail, for when I'm awhile for three days. I'll be away for graduation in December; they are roughly 2-3 days old right now. I'm currently using a heat lamp, which I like but I worry. And I got a heat plate but the thing is too big for my...
  17. CarlaCo

    Bags of mulch under the coop?

    Hi all. I have an idea for the winter, which can be pretty brutal here. Our tractor coop is about 14” off the ground. They love going under there, but I’m not keen on trying to keep it clean under there during snow and cold, and it’s difficult to catch or corral a wayward chick. So I know our...
  18. deltathechicken

    winter coop prepartions

    This will be my first upcoming winter with my 4 orpington chickens. I was wondering what to do for winter with my coop and run. My coop is pre made coop it has a window but only two slots with wire mesh and the roost bars are not high up off the floor of the coop. The run is partially covered...
  19. montanabirdlady

    Tips for harsh winters?

    I live in Southwest Montana. Winters here are mostly dry snow, but very cold. Almost every day is below 30 degrees, and we go weeks at a time under 0 degrees, sometimes days in a row between 0 to -20 degrees. Do you have any tips for this harsh of a cold? -Food supplementation (black...
  20. Hball

    Duck Coop/Run

    My ducks are currently house in a 10x10 dog kennel with solid concrete floor that has been sealed with epoxy. They have a solid wood boxed house raised off the floor with a ramp. We will also be enclosing the bottom as well to add another spot for them to go in. This will be my first time having...
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