wound help

  1. CannedMonster

    PLEASE: WOUND advice for injured pullet!

    Agatha is a 5 month old Naked Neck/Turken pullet. She just laid her first egg yesterday. She has been staying on the roost in the morning for the last two days. She was fluffed up but would still move around with the flock once she came down; eating and drinking normally. This morning I...
  2. tracy.lewis

    Chicken attacked by dog

    One of my Barred Rocks was attacked by my in-law’s dog today. Wounds are mostly superficial from what I can tell... not sure about internal stuff, obviously. I have Penecillin. Just wondering about the injectable dosage OR if I can dilute it with something else and put it straight on the wound...
  3. S

    Chick got scalped (GRAPHIC PICS)

    Hello, I bought 8 more chicks to add to my flock of 4. When the chicks grew to pullets, I introduced them to my older chickens. I thought everything was going well, maybe one or two pecks at each other, but nothing bad at all. Yesterday, when I got home from school, I found one of the pullets...
  4. morganurban

    Duck injury! Help! :(

    hello, I’m morgan and I have an 8 week old Peking duck, Beaker. Beaker started to get a bald spot yesterday. When we put Beaker in to swim with her best friend Eggbert, the Cayuga duck, She started to quack loudly. Eggbert was nipping at the same spot over and over again. The spot now (the next...
  5. catandmilkart

    Solo newborn got pecked in both ears-- advice?

    This is my 4th hatch; I feel awful! We had 10+ eggs and 2 hens incubating. They constantly stole each other's eggs, which I think lead to such a dismal hatch-rate. Day 1: We got one bantam Barnevelder chick, who was promptly pecked on both ears. (Mother's Day Weekend, no less!) I brought it...
  6. Pinkfarmwaters

    Good Morning everyone!

    i am new to this group and new to raising chickens so I have a question. My babies are 3 weeks old and I realized last night that two of them have been pecked on their back side to the point of blood. I have no other options as far as housing them but I was hoping to treat the wounds but if I...
  7. sdifiore

    BAD pecking injuries

    We have 2 Rhode Island Red hens that are 1 year old. They free range during the day on 5 acres, and put themselves in the coop at night. We have 6 new pullets (mixed breeds) we are trying to introduce to them this week, and it isn't going well. There has been some minor blood drawn on all...
  8. Rottie Eggs

    Will an injured hen stop laying? Will she get egg bound?

    My hen was bitten by my dog about a week ago. I have been tending her wound and it is healing as far as I can tell. She has not laid any eggs since her injury. She is eating and drinking normally and is walking around fine. I'm worried if she stopped laying eggs that they are accumulating in...
  9. S

    my hens attacked my rooster; what should i do for the wound??

    i have 18 hens and 2 roosters and usually the roosters will attack the hens but its never anything serious but yesterday the hens attacked one of my roosters and plucked feathers out on its back. then they pierced the flesh with their beaks and there was some bleeding and the wound looked very...
  10. EggMan207

    Had one of my chicks brutally attacked ...

    Yesterday, I had one of my chicks (a black australorp) attacked by the older chickens. She's 9 weeks old. We just put the chicks in this week. They pecked the back of her head and neck quite badly. The skin is pushed up on the top of her head so it sort of covers one of her eyes and it looks...
  11. 5Pedschickens

    Wound help

    I just introduced my 2 brahmas, 2 barred rocks and 2 black sex links to the existing flock this past Friday. The Isa Browns seem to be very aggressive towards the newbies. I have tagged one that I caught being mean. Today both Barred Rocks were attacked rather viciously, to the point that...
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