Chicken attacked, skin ripped off


In the Brooder
Jan 28, 2017

Our Rhode Island Red hen was attacked, assumingly last night by a possum and we have discovered her just now at 6:00 p.m. There were ants crawling on it initially, but we have washed those away. She isn't lethargic, actually quite alert and eating as well as drinking a bit. Her tail and wing droop, but we think that is to cover the wound up. When standing, she uses one leg, we think to prevent pulling on the skin as the wound is right behind it. The entire wound is about the size of a large lemon.
The purple ointment in the image is pick-no-more cover up lotion, which I realize is meant to keep other chickens from biting at it, but I've heard it has antibacterial properties though it does not say so on the container. We are not sure what else to put on it. Within the entire ring of purple is raw flesh (Muscle? The surface is smooth), although there is not much blood but for a shallow laceration at the very top of the torn away skin.
Can she survive this? How do we help the skin heal when there's so much of it missing? What should we put on it to prevent infection? Should we keep her inside?
For now we've draped a light towel over her back half to prevent flies and mosquitoes from getting at it, but otherwise don't know what to do.
(Here are the ingredients to the pick-no-more lotion: Water, Methyl Anthranilate (4.8%), Tea tree oil(.54%), Calendula (.52%), Aloe Vera Gel (.35%))

Thank you for any help!

(I'm sorry if the images do not show)
I would definitely keep her inside for a couple of days to closely monitor her and to prevent pecking. Do you have Vetericyn on hand. It is excellent for preventing infection and to start the healing process. Give her some Nutri-Drench and some scrambled eggs. She is going to be in shock for awhile. I’m so sorry that your sweet hen experienced such a traumatic event. It’s amazing what chickens can recover from. Bear hugs to you! :hugs Keep us posted with her progress!
if you are able take a soft cloth to clean the blood do not rub hard the eggs and nutri drench are good ideas no pain reliever should be given Neosporin among others, is an antibiotic cream that contains neomycin, polymyxin B, and bacitracin. It is used to prevent infections but no pain med
Trim the feathers away from the wound. It’s on a part of her body that could be soaked. Soak it in what ever you can. Large enough bowl a tote the sink what ever. I use betadine (easy to find)in the water.
Once you’ve got it clean you’ll know better how to proceed. From the pictures it hard to tell what your dealing with. Get it clean and post pictures get someone to help you hold her.

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