āž” Quail Hatch AlongšŸ„š

Try chewing matches. :gig

I quit smoking about 7 years ago and picked up dipping. I quit dipping last year and found chewing matches helps. You just need something to do to keep your mind off it. Good luck. :fl
When quitting chewing, I would eat a plum and then chew on the pit for hours.
I was watching the little boogers just now, and I think it is do with their legs/hips/feet or something. The worst falling over one, can walk, but limping. And falls over on his side, then can't get up. I will cull them, for their own sake - and my sake.
The leg issues can be due to a niacin deficiency. You can try the Brewer's yeast method that the duck people use or you can do the vitamin B complex in the water. At least one person I know saw improvement using the vitamin B complex (1/2 pill or capsule dissolved in 1 gallon of water) for her turkey poults.
I'm trying the patch. I've tried cold turkey in the past but I would get sooo grouchy my husband would ask me if I wanted him to go get me a pack. I really want to quit so I'm trying this option.
Good luck.
Chanix works pretty good.;)
This is yet another reason why I can't order eggs yet.
I was looking at a new to me quail dealer...the pictures they have on their website of the cages are nasty to me. I can't order from them.

Ah, I know you who are talking about and just wanted to pop in and say he agreed, hasn't updated that website under forever, downsized the crap out of his operation and has newer photos of all his birds in small groups on cleaner wire cages on his new eBay listings.

Not trying to sway you in matters if biosecurity, however. Good to be vigilant, and that's still part of what he's putting out to the public!

In other news, there is NO NEWS! NOTHING! Not so much as a squeak!
I'm trying the patch. I've tried cold turkey in the past but I would get sooo grouchy my husband would ask me if I wanted him to go get me a pack. I really want to quit so I'm trying this option.

I used the patch to quit smoking. It worked well for me.

The dipping I just dropped. I first started chewing gum but my taste buds got out of whack. That was bad. The matches work for me.
Thank you! I'm thinking straws might help, hand to mouth habit you know? However, since I don't have straws but I do a big box of matches I just might try it today. You don't realize how much your routine includes those things until your routine changes. Crazy.

If the matches are too bland, look for flavored tooth picks. :)
I used the patch to quit smoking. It worked well for me.

The dipping I just dropped. I first started chewing gum but my taste buds got out of whack. That was bad. The matches work for me.
The last time I quit chewing, I used the fake chews such as spearmint, wintergreen, etc.

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