➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

My family keeps wondering why I keep chuckling/snorting when I’m reading this thread. Alas, some things are easier to explain to a 5 year old (or a hubby) than others :lol:

Just sopped up the lake in the bottom of my bator and replaced it with a cutoff yogurt container full of layers of wet paper towel (because I don’t have a brand new sponge at the moment). We’ll see where the humidity settles into with that.
Yes, it’s the little Janoel, how’d ya guess? ;) I want to build my own soon, and my husband actually wants to help! Possibly because it gives him an excuse to use his 3d printer. :lau Too bad it’ll have to wait until he finishes a big project of his own. :hmm
I have used janoelle exclusively for 4 hatches and now for overflow and staggered hatches. overall is a great bator with minor issues like heavy,awkward lid and humidity instability. what humidity have you been running up to lockdown??
I have a total of 45. They are 8.5 weeks old. I am culling all the males except 6 - 3 Jumbo Brown and 3 TX A&M. I am keeping all the females unless I find medical issues that lead me to cull any of them.
Theoretically that would work out 15 extra males to cull using 50/50 gender rule. Interested in what exact # turns out to be!
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It’s beautiful day today here! I worked on cleaning koi pond, I refilled auto treat feeder, cleaned coops, am letting my chickens have some yard time, and got the outside cage ready for valentines batch! Unfortunately hubby has been sick for past 10 days so I’ve had to pull up my big girl panties and do both our jobs myself! (Including the cull chick). Haven’t figured out how to make x-fer by myself so hoping he can muster energy to help me as we hand them through the window! Also attempted vent sexing a couple of the January quail and looks like falbio and red are both hens!!!!
It never occurred to me that I don’t know. What kinds of bowls are suitable for quail? Aside from the bottles, nipples and waterers, surely there are bowls that work.
Bowls for babies to drown in?

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