➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

:barnie Why are you being confusing?!
Still no progress from the two eggs. They wiggle a lot occasionally, but then they go back to sleep. The one has been pipped since Monday night and the other since at least yesterday afternoon.

I am never going to set so few eggs again :barnie
I have fit 30 in the janoelle turner even though 25 is quoted maximum. I have been very happy with my inexpensive 56 egg incubator ($75 amazon) and using my janoelle for overflow during first 14 days. This staggered hatch was originally 102 eggs set!!
I’m definitely in trouble with all the pretty color quail!! I’m not so concerned over correctly sexing them per se, it’s more about how cute and friendly they all are! Today the 19 were running all over hubby’s feet, climbing into his hand etc. So I may have to grow out a few batches of jumbos if I ever want a quail dinner!! :lau Now as far as chicken dinners, these cockerels will probably meet the freezer this weekend!!! the 12+hour non-stop crowing is getting old fast!!!
My first black leghorn chick has hatched, must be a boy because it's a soooo noisy!!! There's a second pipper in there too. The Janoel definitely has hot spots, I try move them around the bator during incubation, but whatever :confused: It's only day 20 for them.

I think I need a new plan.. these birds with their growing new feathers and dropping tickly ones is not working for me.

And.. I did actually dispatch &feed my dogs guinea pig.. every second day, for a week. The boys both have hot spots on their feet :barnie cue 2 weeks of antihistamines and antiseptic powder :barnie

Maybe it's time to move on to rabbits :th

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