➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

did lots of work today outside after work!! we spread compost pile (from fall chicken coop cleaning) across backyard, and uncovered pool for opening. Today was another dozen chicken egg day. and I took most accurate count of adult/brooder quail for a total of 57 coturnix and 3 buttons. one little pansy managed to escape while I was letting chickens out, but we caught him (with a little help from my fish pond net) and returned him to the run. while hubby was cooking dinner, I got my sex-link eggs set and actually got to hold alek’s guinea pig for a few minutes! (as of yesterday he now has 2). their names are “chunky” and “monkey”.
I am getting home to day 16 eggs tomorrow that have been more or less ignored the entire hatch this time. It will be a complete surprise how many I get (or don't). I'll be pretty happy with a couple dozen chickies. :fl

Mama and baby bears just did their first spring casing of the joint, we watched on the nest cameras. :hit Thank god I made my partner set the electric fence just over the most vulnerable door for this trip. I had a really weird feeling they would show back up while we were gone.

I'm glad both youngsters made it through the winter, though.
I don’t know either. @Pyxis would be the one I would ask.
I do love my Malibu’s dark bill.


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