➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

A watched pot and all that.....
I haven't even been going in that room.
Well I did just have to candle every one of them and I'm pretty sure that one quit already.
Actually I think it might have quit a couple of days ago but the other five look good.
i’ve got 2 late hatchers right now that I shrink wrapped pulling fluffies. I cracked one this morning and seems ok, the other I cracked this evening still not out yet but hopefully i can finish cracking him by bedtime.......i have to get bator cleaned tomorrow (day 22) as we are leaving town for a couple days (hubby demanded a spur of the moment fishing trip for all his hard work!!) my 19 yo is in charge of bird care while we are gone, so i’m trying to make things as easy and idiot-proof as possible.

My 19 yo is in charge this weekend too. Good luck to us both.
where is your thermometer(s) in the incubator? with the janoelle 12 there are hot/cold spots and the heat comes from the top-down. slightly lower temps are better in general than temps too high as well! low temp will result in delayed hatches while too high temps will kill!
I currently have one thermometer on top of the plastic turner frame toward the front of the incubator. The other is on the floor of the incubator in front of the turner frame. The one on top seems okay the one on the floor measures 3-4 degrees cooler.

If I hatch again I’ll have to work on my thermometer system. Any suggestions on a type for such a small incubator? I worry about wedging one in somewhere and have the auto turner slide and crush an egg with it.
I was 90% sure this one had quit yesterday.
I was 100% sure just now.
I'm not sure if you can see how the veins disappeared here.

So I did what any normal person would do and opened it.

Nice color on this juice.



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