āž” Quail Hatch AlongšŸ„š

Yeah it's been annoying AF!! Like I can't open sealed bottles or jars because there's no strength in my swollen fingers. Last night it looked like I had like 4 or 5 bee stings on one hand. The worst part is nothing makes it go away and the slightest wear and tear will set it off. Super dumb.
No carpel tunnel?
Panda was clarified to me last year. Read the description in the picture attached. In short I was told by the geneticist I am working with for the Coturnix Association if a bird doesn't display markings under the eye (cheek area) it is not a Panda and is instead heterozygous "dotted white" "Tuxedo". I was told if it looks like a Texas A&M it's the homozygotes form of "dotted white". Dana Manchester described this to me also over 10 years ago. He actuality wrote about it in his article "Coturnix Rising" I'll post the section that he talked about Tuxedo also. GREAT READ !
Hopefully the pics I have will upload showing the markings needed at cheek area to confirm Panda mutation.

Excerpt from Dana's article - COTURNIX RISING
((( Because these mutations can be 'combined' so to say- each specific mutation is called something but each particular variety that is causes is also known as something else. I will give an example of the most commonly used misname; tuxedo. The 'dotted white gene' will cause a bird to express half of its body in white phase while the other half is colored normally. A white patch will extend from the wings into the breast and up to the throat. So the mutation that causes this variation is known as 'dotted white' and forms the tuxedo pattern. However, a bird with this mutation is not simply known as 'Tuxedo' as most breeders would refer to them as. Because of our extensive variation, we can produce many color phases with the addition of a tuxedo white pattern. A wild-colored bird with a white breast would be considered a Pharaoh Tuxedo variety, whereas a variety of dark colored bird with a white breast is known as a Tibetan Tuxedo. The one 'dotted white' mutation actually has the ability of combining with all other pattern variations to from dozens of varieties, each distinctly different from one another and each having its own name. On the same topic, the dark black/mahogany colored variety is known as the Tibetan. Many breeders that keep this bird in a tuxedo form refer to it as a Black Tuxedo. This is incorrect, however. The addition of the 'dotted white gene' to a pre-existing variety does not warrant a new name, its is simply a different variety of the pre-existing and is thus called a Tibetan Tuxedo. To call this a Black Tuxedo is incorrect, a 'recessive black mutation' does exist and is very similar to the Tibetan in appearance. A Black Tuxedo variety could exist but this is very different from the Tibetan Tuxedo that is commonly produced and mislabeled as a Black Tuxedo. To summarize, multiple genetic variations can be combined to form a multitude of plumage varieties. Each distinct variety needs to be understood and called the proper name to ensure that other breeders do not breed the wrong birds under the wrong name, causing further confusion as new varieties come along.

Ok --- Sorry - another long post - sometimes needed to get across correct information to help prevent confusion with call names going around.

This is great stuff! So it seems like both the recessive white and the dotted white gene can produce pied/tux types with the right co-modifiers? This study claims it's a result of a combination of recessive white and extended red genes: https://academic.oup.com/jhered/article-abstract/70/3/205/786043

That didn't always make sense to me because wild-type tuxedos would be theoretically impossible. Seems likely both combos just result in similar, slightly different results? Or is something else going on? Ugh, every question that is finally answered raises 1,000 more for me.

Ack, I'm sorry guys I need to get back on the color index so this info is all cataloged correctly but I learned a LOT I didn't know already about quail color genetics this week and it's making me re-think how all of the colors should be best divided up into threads. Maybe we should start by JUST community-proofreading a list of colors to start with.
Yeah it's been annoying AF!! Like I can't open sealed bottles or jars because there's no strength in my swollen fingers. Last night it looked like I had like 4 or 5 bee stings on one hand. The worst part is nothing makes it go away and the slightest wear and tear will set it off. Super dumb.

I cannot "like" this, I'm so sorry, this sounds awful D:
Yeah it's been annoying AF!! Like I can't open sealed bottles or jars because there's no strength in my swollen fingers. Last night it looked like I had like 4 or 5 bee stings on one hand. The worst part is nothing makes it go away and the slightest wear and tear will set it off. Super dumb.

Not anything recently. I have struggled with tendinitis in my wrists but after eliminating computers no symptoms of that since 2016. Currently have 6 fingers 3 toes both knees one ankle and now a wrist starting all swollen.

E thinks its rheumatoid arthritis. Doctor thinks it could be a massive infection in my blood or lupus or something else. I just hope the bloodwork shows something.

I am so sorry!!! :hugs :hugs :hugs

I hope it is nothing serious. :fl
E thinks its rheumatoid arthritis. Doctor thinks it could be a massive infection in my blood or lupus or something else. I just hope the bloodwork shows something.
:barnie I'm so sorry! The rate of of immunological or other severe health issues amongst everyone I meet lately (including 2/2 members of my house too) is NUTS - and the younger, the worse. It's enough to drive one to conspiracy theories, I tell ya.

Or maybe we just wouldn't have lived long enough at any point in time before now to become paranoid, but sssssshhhhhh.

I hope they figure out what it is and land on an effective treatment for you soon; the symptoms you're living with sound awful. And you need your dexterity to make them teeny tiny omelets!
:barnie I'm so sorry! The rate of of immunological or other severe health issues amongst everyone I meet lately (including 2/2 members of my house too) is NUTS - and the younger, the worse. It's enough to drive one to conspiracy theories, I tell ya.

Or maybe we just wouldn't have lived long enough at any point in time before now to become paranoid, but sssssshhhhhh.

I hope they figure out what it is and land on an effective treatment for you soon; the symptoms you're living with sound awful. And you need your dexterity to make them teeny tiny omelets!

I really feel like the modern lifestyle is a big part of it. All the phone/technology use and fast food/processed foods as well as extremely sedentary lifestyle most people live can not be good and surely must have some sort of long term effects even if we donā€™t know what those are yet. I also feel like a lot of the additives and such in the foods have got to be causing problems and wreaking havoc. Obviously you guys probably all eat better than most people and are very active yet still having problems and thereā€™s other people who eat that carp all the time and never have an issue so maybe thatā€™s not entirely it but it canā€™t be good. And yes I know I am not one to talk since my initial description is literally me. :oops: but still.
:barnie I'm so sorry! The rate of of immunological or other severe health issues amongst everyone I meet lately (including 2/2 members of my house too) is NUTS - and the younger, the worse. It's enough to drive one to conspiracy theories, I tell ya.

Or maybe we just wouldn't have lived long enough at any point in time before now to become paranoid, but sssssshhhhhh.

I hope they figure out what it is and land on an effective treatment for you soon; the symptoms you're living with sound awful. And you need your dexterity to make them teeny tiny omelets!

But then again people also probably didnā€™t know what these diseases were back then or didnā€™t survive them.

But I do think itā€™s something whether itā€™s the lifestyle or something in the environment or what.

Heck, even if you eat healthy, thereā€™s so many pesticides on all the vegetables and fruits and everything. Thatā€™s bound to do something too.

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