➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

I'm feeding "Homegrown" gamebird starter feed, it's 28% protein. I was thinking the same thing as they're growing so fast. Maybe I'll take the "littles" and move them to another brooder. What size groups should they be broke into, 5 or 6 in each group?

Sounds like good stuff!

Yes ma'am i bet that would be a good way to even em all out.
Look, imma say this once and only once. I do not like shit like this, and my instinct is to just fade away and ignore it every time it's brought up. But the confusion generated on this board by zack's attempt at being helpful is genuinely distressing to me.

The information is out there, and I wish people would go straight to it instead of choosing to listen to this secondhand, confusing, 70%-correct nonsense.

You are not correct about Italian/Manchurian; they are different genes but at the same locus. It's a bit confusing. I can send you some sources on the golden genes if you like.

Celadon is an eggshell color only. It can combine with anything.

Tibetans have 2 copies of extended red, red range/Rosetta have 1. Has held true for me in a limited test breeding.

I could not agree more with your last sentence. (Nor, might I add, has the breeder we're talking about created a single color. Bought from others, marketed, and produced in volume, sure).

Read the research studies. Read A&M's work. Listen to people who've been involved with these genetics for decades (and I'm not talking about me! Everything I say I've learned from one of the above, and I would rather send you straight to the source), not <5 years where most of that time has been spent developing a brand on Facebook.

Rant over. CC out.
I'm confused...again.

Zack was talking about his birds.
Are y'all saying he doesn't know his own birds?
Thanks....yes he is very male Grau fee....I believe from a hatch around same time as you released the color.but he has those crazy feathers on his chin that give him the “appearance” of a beard....was wondering if anyone had seen anything similar in their coturnix.....
What do you think?

Wait..I'm opening this one now.
I'm confused...again.

Zack was talking about his birds.
Are y'all saying he doesn't know his own birds?

I am just trying to be the PSA reminding everyone to take everything everyone says, including me, with a grain of salt. Do your own research. Come to your own conclusions. Not all sources are equal; spend time evaluating them. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Assume everyone is full of crap until at minimum you see multiple people coming to the same individual conclusions.

Personally, when someone can't explain why they say something, that's a red flag to me. When someone is unwilling or unable to credit the work they've drawn on, that's a red flag to me.

Does that mean everything they say is wrong? Absolutely not. Doesn't even mean the majority is wrong.

Does that mean I have a hard time figuring out which bits are reliable and which aren't, and make me extremely dubious of the source in general? Yes.
Okay so.... I was doing my regular thing messing with my light cage/taking pictures then I came inside to take a break.

What I didn't is lock one of the doors.

I usually leave them both unlocked while I'm standing there messing with them because I go back and forth between each door to get pictures.

I look out the window and my dog is running happily through the yard with the quail in his mouth.

I run out there screaming at Kim to drop it and he does.
I could not believe he dropped it.
I grabbed my net and chase the little thing around for a second and I caught it.

I was terrified to even look at it because I thought for sure it was going to be totally screwed up.
I immediately called my back up helper and we helped the poor quail.

After helping it I noticed it only had one silly puncture wound on the chest.

I could have probably not butchered him this soon but he was on my butcher list anyways and I felt sorry and just in case I went ahead and did it.

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