➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

He just wants pets and eggs. I warned him that there were going to be extra roos unless he was astronomically lucky, and he's still not sure what he wants to do with the extra roos. I'm hoping to convince him to let me eat... errr... have them. I would feel bad if he didn't get at least one hen, though.

All six eggs that he gave me to put in with my batch were fertile. The only reason one didn't hatch was because it was malpositioned and just didn't make it out after it pipped down at the pointy end.
Hmm. If he's not going to hatch himself, he doesn't need boys at all. If he does want to hatch, then mark the two chicks that look "male" earliest, hopefully they will be the biggest too, but having a way to sex them early and separate before they go nuts is good. Then he can keep those two until the next batch hatches more girls and then decide which one he likes best.
Hmm. If he's not going to hatch himself, he doesn't need boys at all. If he does want to hatch, then mark the two chicks that look "male" earliest, hopefully they will be the biggest too, but having a way to sex them early and separate before they go nuts is good. Then he can keep those two until the next batch hatches more girls and then decide which one he likes best.
He has a small covey that I sold him a couple months ago. There's one roo and three hens there. I think he just liked the birds I sold him and was hoping for more like them. I did warn him that roos can't be kept together and what the consequences were likely to be.

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