➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

The normal causes are: A lack of calcium or other nutritional issues- overweight hens are also at risk. If the egg being laid is unusually large or oddly shaped, an infection in the oviduct, if the hen is laying eggs prematurely, before her body is fully developed.
These are a few of the culprits.
Alot of peeps misdiagnosed peritonitis and egg drop syndrome as one and the same but they are not the same.
If they truly are egg bound, added calcium to their diet will help. If its peritonitis nothing will help. She may survive peritonitis or may not. I have had several hens with peritonitis that have survived but quit laying eggs. I've also had several that eventually succumbed to peritonitis.
:oldGood to know, I'm sure I'll hafta deal with something like this eventually, and at least I'll have a clue maybe.:fl
:lau :gig :lau
Everyone’s a bit crazy for sure :lau :oops:
I figured that’s what you meant but wasn’t sure haha
Apologies for being a bit defensive or weird at first. :oops: Just I’ve noticed far too many people just resort to calling anyone and everything crazy these days lol can be hard to tell exactly what people mean. Usually they’re not serious but hard to tell sometimes hah Should have known though when you said the unpredictable ones that you meant the really really bad ones though but still haha
People call even relatively minor stuff or slightly weird “crazy” these days which is why I said the good people/sick thing cause I was thinking way minor stuff like bipolar or even something a little more serious like schizophrenia or something which obviously can be pretty serious but also can be managed haha
Personally I majored in psych (well technically Behavioral Science lol but started Psych/basically the same hah) so I find why people do stuff/figuring things out really interesting lol
Plus I’ve known people with both those, multiple people actually lol, and those are big ones frequently just labeled as “crazy” right away so I may have assumed.. :oops: Sorry. :oops:
But even something like stalking there’s usually a reason for it/underlying cause. Like I said, I like figuring this stuff out. :lau :oops:
Some people truly are insane though lol there’s definitely some very screwed up/psycho/nasty/scary/terrifying people hah
Sorry. :oops:
:ducNo harm no fowl! :gig
I am behind reading the posts, I saw some discussion on egg bound... don't know what this is. My female quails have all stopped laying.. only 10 hours of daylight and I am not having extra light on. Their diet is ok plus enough calcium. I will have to start adding extra light.
Also... one of my 'female' Jumbo white quail that was given to me fully scalped and with bruised legs and limping has recovered well and started happily crowing:barnie. Strange as it is 4 months old and no foam on the vent but it has been raised in very very bad conditions. The other Jumbo white, 320grams, with the bumblefoot may turn out to be male too.
Reading between the lines....if they have debris clinging to their toes then 1 or 2 things are the culprit. Their bedding isn't getting changed as often as should be, or too much moisture is in the bedding, ie; spilled water, leaking waterers. High moisture can cause fungus, mold to grow. This may be causing a respiratory infection. Try treating her with Tylan or Baytril.

If she's fluffed up, standing like a penquin, then I would suspect egg bound or peritonitis.
i am still trying to find the best way and interval to keep the bedding fresh....it’s been a bit more difficult since the last cleaning because the young finches have escaped the cage twice. she seems to have improved a bit this morning. we will hopefully be setting up the new cage today and i can get my cleaning done. DH suggested i figure out something better for the food as the debris ball seemed to be most of the powdery food caked on their feet.
Someone named Loann?
Oh, I was.

This is the last part of the conversation:
View attachment 1986896
Time to turn off the phone. Guy sounds like a pranker.

Actually I was thinking “I would unplug all my phones from the wall” and then I realize, “Oh! She probably doesn’t have any phones like that!” :confused::lau

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