➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

when i complained last year about the permit issue, they assured me that every person was properly informed but yeah that’s a definite NO!!! they are only concerned with the sale.....not the aftermath!!
Here, the G&F will not allow the import of pheasants unless they come with the required test documentation. The feed stores will not carry them because the G&F also require that the feed store purchase a bird farm permit and then the only way they could sell them is if they were to sell them to a person that already has a permit.

I have not run across any feed stores here that are willing to meet all the requirements and have not seen pheasants for sale except the occasional ad from Colorado breeders on craigslist that think that they can get away with it because they are out of state.
They don’t check if people have the permits before they purchase them? That seems backwards honestly.
I asked at our Runnings and the lady seemed surprised. Didn't know anything about any permits and said they were only for businesses and I didn't need to worry and yes they got quail in every spring. I had asked about Coturnix, but they had none--just fancy breeds. 🤷‍♀️
New ones or your old ones were offed?
Old ones thankfully but I’m most attached to the old ones cause I’ve had them the longest. :hit

The old ones are also in pairs and one from each pair got eaten. :hit I loved their individual personalities even within the same breed :hit they always walked around together too.

They took a Black Australorp, Buff Orpington, and Easter Egger. The BA are both super duper friendly and the EE was one of my best layers. :/

But I guess at least it wasn’t a young one. They were all 4 1/2 years old.
that's terribly sad, the only predators i have had to deal with i an owl and my dog
We have practically everything. Hawks, owls, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, etc. but the coyotes have never been interested in the birds!! We’ve had lots of hawk problems and other interested predators but no success from them.
We have practically everything. Hawks, owls, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, etc. but the coyotes have never been interested in the birds!! We’ve had lots of hawk problems and other interested predators but no success from them.
I've got lots of hawks around but have only "so far" lost a guinea to an owl & a duckling to an owl (probably the same owl)...
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