➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

What are the turkeys? My favorite variety are royal palms followed by bourbon reds and Narragansett’s
Narragansetts! We were supposed to get Bourbon Reds but I guess there was different plans set for us. :) They’re very curious compared to chicks. Not as curious as our gosling was though!
Narragansetts! We were supposed to get Bourbon Reds but I guess there was different plans set for us. :) They’re very curious compared to chicks. Not as curious as our gosling was though!
Ahh, I love turkeys. What type of gosling? All I have ever had has been Toulouse but I have always wanted Chinese
So... is this still a thread for quail, or has it morphed into a chat thread for nutters? With maybe one sane person to keep things from getting too out of hand.
As to who that sane person is, I have no idea. Sure as heck not me, I'll tell you that much.
Definitely a nutter chat thread. :lau
It is a Kiki thread. All Kiki threads eventually morph into a chat thread for nutters. This one just happens to be loosely structured around the topic of quail.
So true!!! LOL
I’ll be in both yours and CSA’s clubs! :celebrate
Awww thank you!! :love :woot
Thanks. I like yours, too -- a very handsome rooster!

Sooner or later, however, it always derails... and ends up as something that hardly resembles the original train of conversation at all....
(Seriously, nudes have nothing to do with quail... how did they even get on that topic?).
They always end up talking about nudes somehow! :lau :th
Ahh, I love turkeys. What type of gosling? All I have ever had has been Toulouse but I have always wanted Chinese
I’m super excited about the turkeys. I’m really hoping we have a pair! These are our first ones.

The gosling (she’s all grown up now!) is a white Chinese. She’s a hoot. She did fly off one day and I had to go get her.:th
I’m super excited about the turkeys. I’m really hoping we have a pair! These are our first ones.

The gosling (she’s all grown up now!) is a white Chinese. She’s a hoot. She did fly off one day and I had to go get her.:th
I think turkeys and give geese have the most character out of all my animals. My Toulouse geese were able to clear the 4 foot fence by couple of feet with enough incentiveD
I’ve been decent, stressful times for everyone I’m certain.

In-person classes were discontinued, but we moved entirely online to finish the semester.

Dodger is...nuts. Bird dogs and poultry aren’t great mixes, but he’s slowly learning to leave them alone. He’s going to be huge! Not Ruger huge (I miss that dog :() but he’s going to be much bigger than breed standard.

I’m glad to hear you’re doing great! I’m glad you have some more lives to make you extra happy, especially during these difficult times. :)
Yes, definitely stressful times!!! I’m lucky that I have all the animals and also that I’ve been able to see my brother’s dogs some.

Glad you were at least able to finish the semester even if it was online! I imagine that messed with some stuff though? Don’t you have labs?

Aww yeah, bird dogs are hard!! Glad he’s learning though!!! And oh wow!! How big is he now!? Sounds like he’s going to be a very big boy!!! And :hugs I know how much you loved him and must miss him. :( :hugs

And thank you!! I’m glad too!! I’m glad I didn’t cancel this order because they really have brought happiness. They’re hilarious looking. :lau my cockerel and his girlfriend have brought a lot of happiness too haha I love them and love having a rooster. :love

The budgies especially though really truly bring so much happiness and joy. :love I love the chickens and cat too of course and even my fish but the budgies are just.... different. Special. The male especially is constantly playing and singing/chattering away to himself. Happiest bird ever. :lau Their personalities have really started to bloom the last few weeks or so especially. The male is such a ham. :lauThey make me laugh every day!! And of course I love singing to them or just playing music and watching them go crazy. :lau :love

Sorry for the novel. :oops:

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