āž” Quail Hatch AlongšŸ„š

Lockdown for my SSC experimental batch today. Set 14 eggs, pulled 2 clears. 12 in lockdown.

Edit: I had a hen with vent prolapse last night. I washed it with anti-bacterial wash, did the same with a q-tip and gently pushed everything back in. This morning she's fine. She looked so good, in fact, that I grabbed the other pansy fee hen to make sure I had the right bird.
No, seriously -- those things freak me out! If it has a stinger or if it bites, then it is an immediate "AVOID AT ALL COSTS" thing. Even fuzzy bumblebees startle me....
I'm going to be so twitchy tonight... talk about nightmare fuel....
And they can sting repeatedly!? Eeeeeek!
At least I'm not allergic... all you allergic people out there, stay safe!
they found like 2 near the Canadian border and 1 nest in Washington. in all likely hood they won't be able to have a viable population due to limited genetics and die out because of inbreeding at least that is my hope
Baby pigeon is more conventionally cute now.

he's so cute!

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