āž” Quail Hatch AlongšŸ„š

Itā€™s the night of day 17, and the lonely egg has just pipped...

39 of 50 eggs developing although one is questionable. These are a Buddy's eggs. The huge ones have 2 developing and 3 didn't. Hoping these hatch but huge eggs are unusual.

Hoping for several yellers.
Craziest thing, I was taking off the baby bands from Magellan and 2 other chicks, and putting on a larger size. The first one went fine, next was Magellan. As Iā€™m removing the rubber band he starts freaking, flailing and screaming, and I felt his little heart stop, he stopped breathing and immediately started getting cold! I literally flipped him over, and rubbed him 101 Dalmatians style, and after about 10 seconds, haaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh - huge sudden gasp and I could feel his heart again! I warmed him up and heā€™s running around like nothing happened, I think heā€™s a zombie lol.
Be careful with Magellan in the future. I had one very skittish quail suicide on me while I was taking care of a cut foot.
It was crazy, he basically gave out from fright I guess. Which is crazy, because I hand fed him and tended to him when he was weak and dying as a new hatch, like 9 days ago. The others should have been the ones who were more afraid, I barely interact with any of them directly.
Hi gang, I put my first eggs in the incubator a week ago tomorrow. I had them nearly a week before the incubator arrived so I am not sure how many will hatch. I am a newbie and learning as I go so hopefully some of the little guys make it. They were given to me by a co-worker of my hubby. We also picked up 16 young quail the same day we got the eggs. I thought we were picking up 4 birds. Boy was I surprised! I was ready for 4. I intended to keep them in a birdcage in the house. hahaha... Well, we had to improvise until we could set up a pen outside. I am just exhausted. I am recovering from being bedridden and have zero stamina. This was supposed to be a small project. I admit I just could not resist trying to hatch the eggs I was given. lol All this work is building my stamina though. Today was a great day. The outside pen is done and the birds are outside and doing well.

@FloorCandy I would have had a heart attack myself :th if one of my little ones died in my hands. Great thinking to do the massage thing like in the movie. So scary though!

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