➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

I just plugged my bator in.
It's been collecting dusk for too long.

I hope I don't screw up this hatch. I'm a bit nervous.

I have @myshire quail farm eggs shipping out on Saturday.
@Myshire Farm Quail
Well, I wasn't planning on hatching any more quail before I move, but how could I possibly pass these beauties up? Especially when I was the lucky winner?
I turned off the supplemental light on my quail because I have too many eggs. One week later, exactly one hen quit laying :idunnoI guess they think it's spring already?

Well, I wasn't planning on hatching any more quail before I move, but how could I possibly pass these beauties up? Especially when I was the lucky winner?
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I like that they're listing egg/bird weight.
Today I locked down 8 darth Vader button eggs, and 6 Coturnix. 2 of the Coturnix eggs have very oddly placed air cells. One is directly on the pointy side of the egg, the other is on the side of the pointy end, and has a small moving bubble within the air cell. I’ve seen this in shipped eggs, but they never developed. These look like they’re alive and developing fine, fingers crossed. These are home growns and came from indoor birds, so they haven’t been shaken or frozen, and they were incubated in the brinsea in trays tip down, no idea what caused it, 2 different hens, one is normal one is celadon.

I set a group of cinnamon darth Vader buttons, these will be my first home grown group of cinnamon buttons. I also set some eggs from my albino/double silver cage, and a bunch of eggs from my various Italians/pearls.
Well, I'm giving it another few more days before I give up on my current batch of store-bought eggs :) I have a person who is raising coturnix quail about a 20 minute drive from the city, so I'm ordering a poop ton of eggs from her ! A minimum of 5 dozen. I might go with more than that. I won't incubate them all, but I will give at least 10 eggs a shot, LOL.
How exciting! What colors did you get?
I didn't choose... I told him to send me whatever colors he wanted.
It's going to be a surprise when they hatch.
I will start a hatch along thread as soon as I set the eggs.

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