15th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

As long as my flock cooperates I’m planning to have some hens choice Watermaal hatching for Easter before I separate out my breeding pens.
Exciting! That's a somewhat unusual breed.

One of my turkeys is laying, so I might be able to set some turkey eggs! I haven't seen the toms mating with them, so not sure if they will be fertile.
If these darn emus would lay I’d join! One female has laid only 6 eggs this season so far. The younger female hasnt laid at all. The last egg from the older female was over 3 weeks ago 😕 Only 4 of the eggs are left in the incubator. Two started to stink.


Wow, now that would be an unusual thing to set. Keep us updated on your current hatch even if you can't join the HAL. :fl
Look what I found in one of my Cochin pens last night!! :yesss: :jumpy :wee

If these darn emus would lay I’d join! One female has laid only 6 eggs this season so far. The younger female hasnt laid at all. The last egg from the older female was over 3 weeks ago 😕 Only 4 of the eggs are left in the incubator. Two started to stink.


I squealed at the darn mouse...then ahhhhhhhhh-ed at the dumb dog!

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