2 silke girls and one 7wk. old silkie roo *free* Pinckney, MI

Thank you Jennifer! We've made it back home. The silkies are so beautiful! We're just so excited to have them join our family! We had fun listening to them babble in the car ride home. They're a joy to have! Thank you!

They are Beautiful,
When Heather came by to look at the puppy's, I got a look at them.
I love in indigo color wattles.
Thanks, I think they are beautiful too. I love the blue on the side of the head too!
I am glad you like them Heather. MY son LOVES the sounds that silkies make. It is different than the other breeds of chickens we have.
Not only are they beautiful! They're good little girls too! Nate (my 8yo) got to eat his first home raised chicken egg today! He was soooo thrilled! (we all were) I didn't expect them to lay the very next day of getting here. I figured they'd need an adjustment period! Yipppeeeeee!

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