Ended 2013 Easter Hatch-a-long Contest #12 "Cutest Easter Chick/s Contest!"

Entry #1 (No editing on my photos)

This is "Maybelline. I named "her" Maybelline because she looks as though she has eye liner around her eyes.
She's a cross between an EE & our pure bred Black/Lav split Ameraucana Roo.

Entry #2 (No editing on my photos)

No name for this one yet, but her Momma is my favorite Buff Orpington hen named Hen-Rietta. This chicks' Dad is our pure bred Black/Lav split Ameraucana Roo.

Good Luck Everyone!!

This is Dolly the lil banty mama. She hatched out one of her own eggs and five of an ameraucana/salmon faverolle cross eggs. Cutest chicks ever! And a great mama!

These lil jumbo pekin ducklings I hatched in my incubater just in time for Easter. So much fun!! Gotta say lil ducklings are the cutest!!
Entry #1 (No editing on my photos)

This is "Maybelline. I named "her" Maybelline because she looks as though she has eye liner around her eyes.
She's a cross between an EE & our pure bred Black/Lav split Ameraucana Roo.

Entry #2 (No editing on my photos)

No name for this one yet, but her Momma is my favorite Buff Orpington hen named Hen-Rietta. This chicks' Dad is our pure bred Black/Lav split Ameraucana Roo.

Good Luck Everyone!!

WARNING!!! I'm sorry to report that I will be stealing the name Maybelline! If my EE ever becomes famous, I promise to give you proper credit!! END OF WARNING!
Sorry for the double post I can't get more than one image per post tonight!! Lol! I love seeing everyone's pretty pictures I can't wait for spring flowers and green grass here!!!

Entry #2

"Not by the chick under my chinny, chin, chin..." haha. This Australorp chick found a new mommy!

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