3 Broody Hatch-Along


i wanna be a cowboy, baby ( HELL YEAH )
Jun 15, 2020
TyCo, West Virginia
I have some broody hens that all decided they wanted babies at the same time. Nala ( some kind of designer hatchery mix breed ), Cookie ( another designer mix breed ) & Mumble ( blue Ameraucana ). They were broodermates and aren’t even a year old yet, but I decided to give Cookie and Mumble some duck eggs. I gave Nala an egg from my buff silkie that I had in the incubator, so her egg is definitely going to hatch first.

I wish you luck on your broodies.

Query...you are aware that a chicken hatching ducklings will cause some species confusion for the hen. She won't understand why her babes want to paddle in the water. LOL. Good news, she'll be fine, the ducklings will be fine vs. trying to have a duck hen brood chicks, which ends in disaster when momma tries to take chicks into the pond.

I wish you luck on your broodies.

Query...you are aware that a chicken hatching ducklings will cause some species confusion for the hen. She won't understand why her babes want to paddle in the water. LOL. Good news, she'll be fine, the ducklings will be fine vs. trying to have a duck hen brood chicks, which ends in disaster when momma tries to take chicks into the pond.

Oh, yeah, I’m aware of that.
I’m sick but I dragged my ass outside in the middle of the night because I was paranoid my dad didn’t count everyone and/or the broodies were on the wrong nest. I got a big surprise, though. Nala’s egg is early and there’s an external pip!! Either I completely blanked on how long I had the egg in the incubator or I counted days wrong, but I have seen it mentioned that banty eggs hatch sooner.
Oh, side note: I’m completely interested in what mix this chick is and what it’s going to look like. Mom is Pumpkin, my buff silkie. Dad? Who knows, I have 7 roosters but my salmon faverolle roo favors Pumpkin a lot.
Do you have any silkie roosters? Because you need both parents to have the silkie gene for the offspring to be silkie feathered.
No, no silkie roos. I don’t really care about the silkie feather gene. I never really liked silkies but Pumpkin is the exception, lol. I was just curious as to what the cross would end up looking like. I haven’t gone out to check to see if the chick has hatched yet, but I will in a bit.
Um, not something I wanted to see but Nala’s chick was dead. I don’t know if she killed it or what, but she acted like she didn’t want me to take it from her. I don’t know why I didn’t move her last night when I saw it was pipping, so I feel like this was my fault. Nothing looked wrong with the chick other than it was dead…so idk. I don’t know if I want to give her another egg to sit on


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