3 Broody Hatch-Along

So, Frost is likely broody #4. She has a plucked belly and everything. Of course, she’s broodermates with the other 3 that are currently broody.
So, I candled the duck eggs under Mumble and Cookie. Out of 6 total, 2 were developing so I gave them to Cookie and gave Mumble five new duck eggs.
I had to toss the d’uccle egg that was under Nala. It wasn’t even fertile which is a surprise considering how thorough the boys are. The silkie egg is developing, though.
So, today would be the day where I could put a chicken egg under Mumble and they would hatch at the same time as the duck eggs. However, I’m debating on whether that would even be a good idea. I’ve raised both ducks and chickens from babies, so I know the differences but that was without the use of a broody. I was only thinking about putting one chicken egg in there. I’m mostly worried about the ducklings wanting to go into the water and the chick following ( or would they stay with the mother?).

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