3rd Adopt an egg Hatch-a-long

What color are your mystery eggs? I’m rooting on my little Lavender guy!
Just tan this time, well one tan and one is more of a pinkish tan. they are from my flock which as you know has no color besides the teal since color hates me. LMAO!!!!!

It may be a good thing if those don't develop! hahaaa. Right now I have the 1 week and 4 week olds in the brooder in my coop and thinking they will still be using the brooder in 2.5- 3 weeks, with the door open but most likely still going back in there at night. so no clue where I am putting these guys! LOL Then I think right after this hatch I am hatching a LOT more!!!!!!!! EEKS! maybe my new coop and run will be done by the time these hatch and I can move the older babies into the new coop and put the just hatched into the brooder. LOL
Still nothing in #'s 5, 8 and 9. I removed #21 @Ilovemychicks08 did you want to pick another one? @Honora did you want to pick another one too? I haven't removed those ones yet as I will give them more time but just in case.

#22 is developing @Kennas_Kritters

    1. Lavender Mottled Orp @MochaLatte
    2. Lavender Orp. @Honora
    3. Lavender Orp
    4. Lavender Splash Orp @Ilovemychicks08
    5. Lavender Orp @Honora not yet
    6. Lavender Mottled Orp shell dented @Farmgirl283420
    7. Lavender Splash Orp. @Iluveggers
    8. Mystery egg from my girls @Ilovemychicks08 not yet
    9. mystery egg from my girl. @MochaLatte not yet
    10. Spitz
    11. Spitz
    12. Spitz
    13. Spitz
    14. Spitz @Farmgirl283420
    15. Spitz
    16. Spitz
    17. Spitz
    18. Silkie @KRack
    19. Silkie @Ilovemychicks08
    20. Silkie. @Kennas_Kritters
    21. Silkie. @KRack No - detached air cell
    22. (added a day later) think Silver laced Cochin egg (maybe Splash project Cochin roo). @Kennas_Kritters
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ok this group is not going well for me...... today is day 7 for all but #22 (guess making up for my 100% hatch rate last time). #2 quit, #6 quit (which I figured was highly likely), #5 clear, #8 clear, #9 clear, not sure on #22 it is hard to see in but swear I could see veins on day 3 for it and didn't notice them today. giving that one more time.

    1. Lavender Mottled Orp @MochaLatte
    2. Lavender Orp. @Honora Quit
    3. Lavender Orp. @Honora
    4. Lavender Splash Orp @Ilovemychicks08
    5. Lavender Orp @Honora - clear
    6. Lavender Mottled Orp shell dented @Farmgirl283420 Quit
    7. Lavender Splash Orp. @Iluveggers
    8. Mystery egg from my girls @Ilovemychicks08 not yet- clear
    9. mystery egg from my girl. @MochaLatte not yet - clear
    10. Spitz
    11. Spitz
    12. Spitz. @Farmgirl283420
    13. Spitz
    14. Spitz @Farmgirl283420
    15. Spitz. @Kennas_Kritters
    16. Spitz
    17. Spitz
    18. Silkie @KRack
    19. Silkie @Ilovemychicks08
    20. Silkie. @Kennas_Kritters
    21. Silkie. @KRack No - detached air cell
    22. (added a day later) think Silver laced Cochin egg (maybe Splash project Cochin roo). @Kennas_Kritters ?
@Honora @Farmgirl283420 @Kennas_Kritters do any of you want to pick another one?
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