4 month old khaki drake mating, will the eggs be fertile?


In the Brooder
Sep 12, 2022
I have a 4 month old khaki campbell drake that has been mating, or at least that’s what it looks like, with 3 1.5 year old khaki campbell hens. The hens lay well. My question is more about the fertility of the drake- will these eggs be fertile? Can they be incubated? Or is he too young- like he’s shooting blanks?

Edit: I have a couple silkies that are broody right now. I read that they will happily sit on duck eggs. If the eggs are fertile, how long after mating will they start laying the fertile eggs, to give to the silkies?
The campbell with the most white patches lays the smallest egg, and we’ve seen him mate her a few times (they mated now while I typed this!) The duck with no white patches at all lays bigger eggs- witnessed mating once, but she is currently molting heavily and hasn’t laid in a while. The duck with only a single white patch usually lays the most pointed eggs- no matings witnessed.

I work from home and strategically placed the duck pools within view of the office window. Watching them in the water brightens my day.

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