5 Years Married , Loved Each other for 30 years

Graduated from High school in 1970 in Selma Alabama.
had a bunch of hippie type friends that I hung with. A girl named Cindy was a regular. She was still in school, but we hung out.

I'm at work ( in Montgomery) and this beautiful short lady dressed in jeans and a tie die shirt starts her first day in QC.
We met a few days later and after becoming friends, later on dating and ending up married.
After we were married her oldest sister and I were talking one day and discovered that their family was stationed at the AF base in 1971, and she ( older sister) was the Cindy that I hung out with!

Small world.
I still love my first true love the same as I did 24 years ago. I think about him almost every day. My DH knows how I feel and is very sympathetic and supportive of me in this regard. He isn't jealous at all - says love is always good thing.
Awwwwwwwwwww how sweet
I love good love stories...that comes from being involved in my own
Love these stories!!!

Me and my wife met in college in 1989. We dated for most of the 90's,
except a 6 month, and 3 year splitup. We got back together in 2000
and were married in 2004. Our kid is 8.

Hey, things happen for a reason.
My previous marriage left me wary after 14 years. I met my now dh 3 years later - on the internet. We were married 11 months later. It is a happily ever after story.
I love hearing "love" stories!

My hubby and I met in college. On our first date we realized that we each thought the other was a complete jerk and just walked away in the middle of the date.

For the next six months we hung out in the same group of friends and got to know each other on just a friendship level. We then realized that we really liked each other.

We dated for a year and a half, got married and have been married for 24 years!
My hubby and I were BFFs in highschool - tried going out a few times, but I was a Sr, he was a Jr (I'm only about 5 wks older than he is) and I didn't want to be 'tied down' my Sr year. I ended up breaking it off and we didn't speak for several months. I missed him so bad as a friend - I ended up calling all the people with his last name in the phone book until I found his brother, who gave me his number (his dad has passed during the time apart, and he had moved, so didn't know his new number)

Anyway, we started dating again the spring of my Freshman yr in college (his Sr year in HS). Dated all through college (semi long distance) and got married after he graduated in '92. 16 yrs and 4 kids later and we are still BFFs, through sickness and health and better and worse and forsaking all others.

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