8 wk chicks dying from mareks


Jan 5, 2020
North Carolina
I got 10 black australorps chicks 2 months ago from tractor supply online. I didn't get them vaccinated as i saw multiple people say it's harmful.

Yesterday, I went outside and one was on its side, with one eye closed. I brought her in and about 4 hours later she was dead. This morning, I saw a chick limping and one eye js closed, which made me think mareks. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I have 22 chicks. 8 are about 6 months and the others range from 4 weeks to 4 months. How do I protect them? Can I ever get new chicks again without having them get infected?
So sorry!
How do you know what's actually wrong here? You need a diagnosis, not a 'best guess', and that means saving the body, wrapped in plastic and chilled, not frozen, and having a necropsy done preferably at your state veterinary lab.
Obvious problems that you can look for would be external parasites (look at night with a flashlight), injuries, internal parasites (any diarrhea? blood in poo?) or some other disease, best identified by that necropsy.
All the best,
you said that the chicks are limping? if it come to the point where they cant walk you need to make sure that they can get food and water. is there anything else that we need to know?
Very sorry for your loss. What are the droppings like? Are they eating and drinking normally. There can be different reasons for limping and some of the symptoms you are seeing. I would try to save the body if you lose another, and keep it cold, but not frozen to send in to your state vets for a necropsy. Contact them today to get details of how, the cost, how to bring in or ship the body, days and hours, etc. Here is a list of state vets:
Yesterday, I went outside and one was on its side, with one eye closed. I brought her in and about 4 hours later she was dead. This morning, I saw a chick limping and one eye js closed, which made me think mareks.
Sorry you are facing this. :barnie

Although, I don't allow vaccinated birds at my place to hide Marek's, and think if less were hiding it, may become less prevalent, I might not go as far as to say harmful. For SOME folks vaccinated chicks is 100% the way to go.. like if they've previously seen Marek's in their flock and want to still keep chickens but can't stand to face any deaths as they are pet and not breeding stock.

8 weeks is kinda early for Marek's though possible. Are you able to post a video of your limping guy? Did you check for any injury like cuts, swelling or heat that might indicate an injury?

Coccidiosis can be deadly fast and ONLY one or two strains present as blood on droppings. Please answer a few questions. What are you feeding including treats and supplements? How long ago did you move them out? Are your other birds also from TSC, feed store, hatchery... or private seller?

Simple dehydration can cause a myriad of neurological issues.. any recent change to water dish?

NO signs of limping in your 4 or 6 month olds? Any possibility they got into a toxin or mold? Are they kept together with the other groups or separate somehow? TSC, indicates you're in the US...Adding your general location can help folks make the best suggestions possible at a glance. Here is a link to state poultry lab contact info... Necropsy will tell a much more accurate picture.
State poultry labs

Best thing you can do to protect the rest of the flock is keep nutrition high by using a formulated, age appropriate ration and not diminishing nutrients with excess treats. Also provide fresh, poo free water with dry bedding if they aren't yet roosting.

Very sorry for your loss. What are the droppings like? Are they eating and drinking normally. There can be different reasons for limping and some of the symptoms you are seeing. I would try to save the body if you lose another, and keep it cold, but not frozen to send in to your state vets for a necropsy. Contact them today to get details of how, the cost, how to bring in or ship the body, days and hours, etc. Here is a list of state vets:
Droppings are 50% liquid and the rest looks normal. And ok I will do that thanks
Sorry you are facing this. :barnie

Although, I don't allow vaccinated birds at my place to hide Marek's, and think if less were hiding it, may become less prevalent, I might not go as far as to say harmful. For SOME folks vaccinated chicks is 100% the way to go.. like if they've previously seen Marek's in their flock and want to still keep chickens but can't stand to face any deaths as they are pet and not breeding stock.

8 weeks is kinda early for Marek's though possible. Are you able to post a video of your limping guy? Did you check for any injury like cuts, swelling or heat that might indicate an injury?

Coccidiosis can be deadly fast and ONLY one or two strains present as blood on droppings. Please answer a few questions. What are you feeding including treats and supplements? How long ago did you move them out? Are your other birds also from TSC, feed store, hatchery... or private seller?

Simple dehydration can cause a myriad of neurological issues.. any recent change to water dish?

NO signs of limping in your 4 or 6 month olds? Any possibility they got into a toxin or mold? Are they kept together with the other groups or separate somehow? TSC, indicates you're in the US...Adding your general location can help folks make the best suggestions possible at a glance. Here is a link to state poultry lab contact info... Necropsy will tell a much more accurate picture.
State poultry labs

Best thing you can do to protect the rest of the flock is keep nutrition high by using a formulated, age appropriate ration and not diminishing nutrients with excess treats. Also provide fresh, poo free water with dry bedding if they aren't yet roosting.

They are 8 weeks and moved out at 4 weeks, I had them in a cage inside the coop for 2 weeks. I'm feeding them dumor 20% chick started and some layer feed mixed in for the other chickens that are laying. My other chickens came from Craigslist, I got them in 3 different batches so 3 different flocks. I quarantined for 2 weeks after each flock.

Yes I thoroughly checked for any injuries. The chick is worse now. Is falling a lot more, can't find her crop, is open mouth breathing. I am so sad and stressed out!

There was moldy corn that I had to throw out about a week ago, it was in the garden bed but they could have gotten to it. No one else is showing symptoms. Symptoms started yesterday (or probably the day before just didn't realize it) with the 1st 8 week old. They all live in the same coop. I've separated the sick one. Looks like she's dying
So sorry!
Moldy corn isn't good for anyone to eat, so get it out of there, or fence it off, or something.
Having a flock from multiple sources is not the best idea, often, because it's possible to have diseases arrive with seemingly healthy birds.
I hope you can get a diagnosis over this.
BTW, I have both vaccinated birds from hatcheries, and unvaccinated birds who were hatched here, and no Marek's disease, at least so far. The unvaccinated birds would be likely to develop problems first, and I do necropsy any unexplained deaths, so I'll know if it turns up.

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