Advice on B-I-L, and M-I-L

gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
Many people here are wise, and have advice. So I thought I would put it out there.
My B-I-L is a narcissist. I know people throw that word around. But he is. He is 63, 5'7'' very single, bald and over weight, drinks, Only likes 24 year olds, (not that he gets to date them.) He is materialistic, not successful financially, because he tries to only work a few hrs a week. And he says he is bored of his work. He is also is know-it-all, who his mother is his only friend. We blocked his calls and gray rocked him because if you talk with him on the phone he doesn't let you get a word in edge wise, and he just brags about himself. If you disagree with him in anyway, he goes into a rage.

On to the M-I-L, she enables him, because he has never been married and has no friends, and because he lives near by and she is too old to drive. Even so she does limit herself, because she doesn't like him over ALL the time either.

My DH is hesitant to tell his mom of any success he has because she always says, "I wish you could get, X into your business, because he needs to make more money and is bored." Not acknowledging my DH success, but how can I advance the enabled one?

The B-I-L is also has a bad memory and his ego is so big, and he is untrainable because he cannot retain information because of ADD, or just the drinking.

I told my DH to say, if his mother wants the B-I-L to get into his business to just say "It is not like a suit, one-size-fits-all. business."

What other advice do you guys have?
Having dealt with a boss who was a narcissist, I know how hard it can be on your mental health. @sourland just put it very well in his post.

I told my DH to say, if his mother wants the B-I-L to get into his business to just say "It is not like a suit, one-size-fits-all. business."
This is good advice. Your husband should NOT feel like he has to get his bro into the business. If mom asks, he can point blank say, "Mom, bro would not do well in this business. I cannot hire nor recommend him. He's an adult, he needs to get his life in order, get a job he likes, and stop thinking the world owes him. Because it doesn't."

Yes, it takes some guts to speak to family -- especially mom -- this way.

There comes a time when people should stop expecting their family/friends to help them with basic adulting, when you have messed up those opportunities by your own issues. Like drinking, laziness, etc.

I had to do it with my sister asking to borrow money that she had proved she would never repay. Did the world end? Nope. But she knew that the answer would be NO! from then on, and she never asked again. Did she learn a lesson? Sigh. Not really. But I stopped getting "those" phone calls, which tied my gut up in knots for hours.
Happy to hear mil said this. As his wife just brag on your hubby in public whenever you can. Best thing for marriages. Especially if he is in earshot of you. Since his mom isn't praising him become his cheerleader, and watch him 😁 smile. I agree with the post from Sally PB , I always tell people to state facts not emotions. Facts are hard to argue with. ( Learned that one the hard way)
Another thing the B-I-L does is hide the mail we send. I sent a Valentine's card one week ahead of time to the M-I-L, and we live in the same state. She still has not gotten it. We have sent her X-mas presents and they went missing. He brings her the mail. The X-mas present that went missing, the B-I-L said "We were expecting a different present." Like he knew what it was and disapproved. And she never got it. But I bet he brought it home and enjoyed it.

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