Advice on B-I-L, and M-I-L

Another thing the B-I-L does is hide the mail we send. I sent a Valentine's card one week ahead of time to the M-I-L, and we live in the same state. She still has not gotten it. We have sent her X-mas presents and they went missing. He brings her the mail. The X-mas present that went missing, the B-I-L said "We were expecting a different present." Like he knew what it was and disapproved. And she never got it. But I bet he brought it home and enjoyed it.
I would send stuff to M-I-L return receipt accepted, I know it cost more, however you will know who signed for it and who has it. If M-I-L says she never received a card or gift you can say the receipt says B-I-L signed for it and she should ask him where it is.
Why should your M-I-L think you and your husband don't care enough about her that you didn't send a gift or card.
You can do it nicely, like you wanted to insure she was getting her mail and packages, incase a porch pirate is taking her things.

I still think @sourland is right.
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Sorry to hear about your situation!
I do find spending time with chickens to be more relaxing than spending time with BILs in general 🙃
Could you send him a late Valentine's day card, as it sounds like he has not had a valentine in quite some time, and is currently unlikely to attract one?

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