African Violets!

If you take a cutting from the base of the plant, put it in water and keep it in water for bout 2 to 3 weeks. It will grow small roots, then you can put it in dirt and grow them. If you leave it in water long enough, it will grow more leaves.
I have a dark purple AV. Someone just started it from a leaf for me. I have broken off the leaf & stem and planted in some dirt and it started to grow and just the other day I accidently broke off a big piece and put it in a cup of water and now it has roots so, I planted it in some dirt and its doing get. They are a very pretty flower.
I've never tried cuttings from AV before, thanks for that tip I would have never tried that. I was going to do some crazy leaf splitting thing I found on the Violet Barn's website, but this looks a lot easier.
I've never tried the water way before. I'll have to give it a try. I usually cut my leaf from the base and dip it in rootone then plant in African Violet soil and cover it with a glass or set the whole thing in a ziplok bag to keep humidity in.
I love African Violets, I used to buy the cuttings and had about 10+ different plants growing, even made a little green house. Then..... I got a little kitten who LOVES to eat anything that once grew (or grows) in dirt. She killed them all
I cant have any house plants or even flower arrangements within her reach. She actally gets excited if she sees me bring plants inside.

PS... she is now 5 years old and still eats plants...
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Those are so beautiful! I'd forgotten. My mom always had them, for many, many years. After she died, I managed to kill most of them, and tried briefly in my new house,but it's incredibly dry in winter. I've give up on anything green in the house. Instead of plants on my kitchen counters, I grow stuff in my 'bator ...............

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