All the Christian Homeschoolers!



Feather Fluffer
Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Nov 12, 2018
Calling all Christian Homeschoolers! Whether you're still in schooling or are well graduated, all ages of homeschoolers are welcome! I know there's a good many hiding out on here and I'd love for us to have our own little community.

I have been homeschooled for my entire life. Some of my worst suffering is to be found with all the math curriculums I didn't complete, and all the good stuff was during recess. :D I'm rounding out my last year of homeschooling with some good, old fashioned home ec. Cooking, gardening, animal husbandry, all the good stuff, and some financial knowledge. You know, all the great stuff a young lady needs to be that Proverbs 31 gal.

So, tell me about yourselves!
Hi, I’m Abby. :frow I’ve been homeschooled my entire life, and I think it’s the best way to learn ever. My class is very tiny, even smaller now that my brothers graduated. It’s just me and @CatLoverLu. We’ll see if it was a mistake to tag her, probably was. The absolute best thing about homeschooling, growing up, was how fast I could get done with school. It took a few hours, and I was usually done before lunch. My public school friends were so jealous! Last year it took a lot longer, cause precalculus is tough, people! I’m finishing up my final year, and then it’s off to college. Of course, I’m already in college…:D The worst thing about homeschooling is the lack of friends, of course. You’re hanging out with your siblings all day, and it can get a little frustrating. Especially when you have to help your older bro with his math :rolleyes:

I only have a million hobbies, my favorites are drawing, spinning wool, crocheting, bike riding, reading, climbing trees, birding, photography, the list could go on and on and on.

I’ll stop now, gotta go get ready for the day. I can tag a few more peeps, if ya want!
Congrats guys!!
Cream and Gold Simple Recognition Certificate (5).png
Hi there!!

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I am also a Christian homeschooler! I’ve been all my life, except for a bit of kindergarten.

I figured since I popped into say hello, I should probably give a little intro.

I am a teenaged country girl living in the wild coasts of Maine, with my silly puppy, lots of chickens and chicks, 4 duckings, 7 bunnies, and hopefully some goats and a barn cat in the next few months. I absolutely love animals and am always pushing to get more!

I am a very devoted Christian, and I truly love Christ with everything I am! I could never have gotten through some of the things I have without his constant love and grace. I want to live my whole life with him, for him, and in him. I want to be crazy radical in my faith, and hopefully, if it is the Lords will, become a missionary! I owe everything to him.

I am so excited to have found this thread and hopefully make some new friends!

Hello all, I guess I will join the club. I’ve been homeschooling since COVID, I originally went to a private Montessori school. During the pandemic, we went to online classes (zoom), and I discovered that I am pretty good at working from home. However, the kids on the zoom class were disruptive (As middle schoolers can be), so I left Montessori entirely and have been doing my own thing for 3 years now.

My favorite subject often changes, I just know that I don’t like math. I just finished Algebra 2. I used to like English but parts of speech/ participles and all that nonsense have sucked some of the fun out of it for me. I still enjoy writing (essays/ usual schoolwork, journaling, and one ongoing fiction story project).

I feel the need to say that I hate romance books of any kind. HATE. I stopped reading fantasy almost entirely because it is just romance disguised as fantasy once you get past middle school-level reading. I lean more towards sci-fi these days, but I otherwise don’t read that much.

I, unlike others, thoroughly appreciate the lack of social interaction. I can pick and choose who/ when I want to hang out with, unlike in real school, where you get stuck with the same idiots your whole life. Of course, this is easy for me to say as an only child.

Although I don’t know “what I want to be when I grow up”, I am working hard to get into a good college (not ivy league level, but NC state or…I don’t know what else, really). Sometimes I wonder if all the time and effort is worth it.

Anyways, that’s me. That turned out to be a whole book practically :lol:, guess I do really like writing.

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