All the Christian Homeschoolers!

"Surely yous could gives a friend a nice discount, eh? Yous knows I got stuff in thar."
*Whispers behind hand*

"Lady, EVERYBODY got stuff in der. An' I mean everybody. Doan' ask me how I know." *winks*

"But yees, for you, Ah kin let you in on one bit ah 'spose."

"Here. Y'all'll need this." *Hands book entitled "Navigating Alternate Dimensions, Realities, and Universes: the Official Guide to Everything you Need to Know about Metaphysics and Magic"*
*Whispers behind hand*

"Lady, EVERYBODY got stuff in der. An' I mean everybody. Doan' ask me how I know." *winks*

"But yees, for you, Ah kin let you in on one bit ah 'spose."

"Here. Y'all'll need this." *Hands book entitled "Navigating Alternate Dimensions, Realities, and Universes: the Official Guide to Everything you Need to Know about Metaphysics and Magic"*
*Grins and winks*
"Thanks, pal, I's knew you come through far me."
*Covertly hands you only one bit in exchange for the ticket, and accepts the book*
"Heyy, far yer help I's be glad to getch 'oo something' while I'm in thar, y'know save yous a trip. Whach'ye missin'?"
*Grins and winks*
"Thanks, pal, I's knew you come through far me."
*Covertly hands you only one bit in exchange for the ticket, and accepts the book*
"Heyy, far yer help I's be glad to getch 'oo something' while I'm in thar, y'know save yous a trip. Whach'ye missin'?"
"Weal, ah thank ah did might'a lost 'er couple fishooks and mebbe a button or two down in der. If it tain't no trouble, could ye fetch me summa dat der green aiggs and ham too? Ah been a-hankerin' for some since I don't know when."

I can't even. This is so funny. 😭 🤣
Oh, hmm, I need a good questions of the day. I didn't originally intend for it to be a thing, but it's fun!
Describe a place you've been that left you awestruck or at least appreciative of God's beautiful world!
The top of a hill when the sun is setting is always the most special place in the world!
With the bushland spread out below, and hills surrounding one, and the clouds look like angels.
We don't have a church close enough to go to often, but at that time I feel that like it is a church.
The top of a hill when the sun is setting is always the most special place in the world!
With the bushland spread out below, and hills surrounding one, and the clouds look like angels.
We don't have a church close enough to go to often, but at that time I feel that like it is a church.
That's beautiful, I love that image.
Describe a place you've been that left you awestruck or at least appreciative of God's beautiful world!
I love being anywhere that's the middle of no where, because anything made by God is incredible compared to man made things :D
Here some pics I took while walking a trail right under a busy city road, I was so over everything city and wanted to stay in the gorge (? If that's the right word) all day.

And of course a Redwood forest! I would absolutely love to live in or by a redwood forest 🤩 Most amazing atmosphere standing in amongst straight rows of enormous trees!
"Weal, ah thank ah did might'a lost 'er couple fishooks and mebbe a button or two down in der. If it tain't no trouble, could ye fetch me summa dat der green aiggs and ham too? Ah been a-hankerin' for some since I don't know when."

I can't even. This is so funny. 😭 🤣

"A'ight, ah be lookin' far yer fishhooks 'en aiggs. Nauh, if I ain't back 'fore sunset, ye better jump in aftur me, ye hear?"
*Proceeds to jump into the hole backwards... Never to be seen again*

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