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I've been doing German on and off for a few years. I did Spanish before that, but got bored. German is so much more fascinating to me, as many of my ancestors were German.
Im also learning sing language. German would be fun to finish learning! I have a little bit of German in my ancestry, but i think i have more Swedish than anything. I also have ancestors from Ireland, And other parts of Europe.
Im also learning sing language. German would be fun to finish learning! I have a little bit of German in my ancestry, but i think i have more Swedish than anything. I also have ancestors from Ireland, And other parts of Europe.
I'm learning Sign Language, too! I've never learned any German though. :)
Im also learning sing language. German would be fun to finish learning! I have a little bit of German in my ancestry, but i think i have more Swedish than anything. I also have ancestors from Ireland, And other parts of Europe.
I have a very mixed pot. I'm *takes big breath* German, French, Pictish, Scottish, Irish, English, Cherokee, Crow, and who knows what else. Lots of royalty up the line, too.
Edit: Forgot Danish!
I'd really love to dive into my Native American heritage. Aside from my dad and little sister, who look English/German and Irish respectively, we look a little more Native, so it is certainly a bigger part of our DNA. I feel like we should have had the opportunity to learn about it when we were younger, since it's so prominent. Obviously not to delve into their religion, but the traditions are beautiful and it seems important to me.
I think once I finish the German course on Duo, I will try to read "Waiting for Godot" in German, since we have it.
I have a very mixed heritage, but German is definitely one of them!
Let me know how the reading goes! Reading and listening are so helpful for me because I get to learn knew words just by their context within a sentence, when you see a word repeatedly in difference contexts I feel like you get a more nuanced meaning than if you just looked up the translation. It takes so much energy though!
Old calligraphy is beautiful, but incredibly annoying both to read and create.
It is! I can't imagine trying to write it!
Why be torn! I believe it's possible to admire the traditions of both.
Yeah true. Maybe torn isn't the right word, it just feels like two worlds that are so different and far apart yet I like parts of both. Maybe some of it is the eastern vs. western thought. Worship is what has been bothering me the most, so many churches that I'm familiar with sing songs that are so self focused rather than real worship that is about God and ascribing attributes and worth to Him and giving thanks. It seems like worship leaders are always trying to get people more engaged but who wants to sing about themselves and their struggles? It just feels so wierd to me, like if we believed God is really with us and we are singing to Him what would that look like? I don't think we could be aware of being in the presence of a king and great high priest who gave his life for us and still sing songs about ourselves and our sin. Like John in Revelation, when he turns and sees Jesus he falls at his feet as though dead. Or like in Hebrews 12 where it talks about how we have come to Mount Zion to the city of the living God, to the blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Anyways, don't know where I'm going with this, sorry what a rant!
Genealogy is so fun. I spend a lot of time in the winter working on it, my goal is to have the most complete non-royal family tree.

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Let me know how the reading goes! Reading and listening are so helpful for me because I get to learn knew words just by their context within a sentence, when you see a word repeatedly in difference contexts I feel like you get a more nuanced meaning than if you just looked up the translation. It takes so much energy though!
Sort of like immersion! I think I am almost to the point where I can start understanding words in context, but an old play like Godot is probably far from the best thing to read for that. 😂 As for listening, I don't have a lot of words locked in my mind, and I fall behind very quickly when I am listening.
It is! I can't imagine trying to write it!
The big curly letters are like art, it's hardly even writing. As for fonts like Gothic, with the right pen and a basic knowledge it it surprisingly easy. And in Gothic, you can memorize how each of the decorative capital letters look. But still, annoying, and it makes your hand hurt, especially if you are actually using a pen with nibs.
Yeah true. Maybe torn isn't the right word, it just feels like two worlds that are so different and far apart yet I like parts of both. Maybe some of it is the eastern vs. western thought. Worship is what has been bothering me the most, so many churches that I'm familiar with sing songs that are so self focused rather than real worship that is about God and ascribing attributes and worth to Him and giving thanks. It seems like worship leaders are always trying to get people more engaged but who wants to sing about themselves and their struggles? It just feels so wierd to me, like if we believed God is really with us and we are singing to Him what would that look like? I don't think we could be aware of being in the presence of a king and great high priest who gave his life for us and still sing songs about ourselves and our sin.
I totally agree! When we are standing in heaven, the songs that we sing will not be about ourselves, but only about the Lord and how wonderful He is.
My church is officially non-denominational but it has strong baptist roots. We have a decent mix between songs about our sins and songs just praising God, and between hymns and contemporary, which keeps everyone happy. Some people are very set in what songs they would like to be singing. I heard of a church that split into an early morning and late morning service, and the only difference in the services was that in one service they sang hmnys, and in the other, it was contemporary. I can understand wanting to sing a certain type of worship music, but the fact that it can tear apart a church is amazing in a really sad way.
Like John in Revelation, when he turns and sees Jesus he falls at his feet as though dead. Or like in Hebrews 12 where it talks about how we have come to Mount Zion to the city of the living God, to the blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Anyways, don't know where I'm going with this, sorry what a rant!
Ah, don't apologize, it's a good rant.

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