All the Christian Homeschoolers!

Sorry, lost the thread again....!

I was thinking of miracles, and things that can't be explained. Have any of you had any of them?
I had one, a good few years back. One of our farm cats had just had a litter of kittens, in our lean-to.
She had a bit of a history of losing track of kittens, so I had a look around to make sure she hadn't left any anywhere.
I couldn't see any, so stopped worrying about it. But I then heard (and she did too) a loud and distressed cry for help, from what sounded like a kitten. So we started hunting everywhere, and finally found two kittens in a cardboard box. They were so cold, and barely breathing, but after slowly warming them up, and doing a bit of kitten cpr, they were saved.

Now this is the thing, those kittens were far to weak to have made the cry for help.
So who did? Not any of the other cats sounded like that, and both me and mother puss heard it.
Sorry, lost the thread again....!

I was thinking of miracles, and things that can't be explained. Have any of you had any of them?
I had one, a good few years back. One of our farm cats had just had a litter of kittens, in our lean-to.
She had a bit of a history of losing track of kittens, so I had a look around to make sure she hadn't left any anywhere.
I couldn't see any, so stopped worrying about it. But I then heard (and she did too) a loud and distressed cry for help, from what sounded like a kitten. So we started hunting everywhere, and finally found two kittens in a cardboard box. They were so cold, and barely breathing, but after slowly warming them up, and doing a bit of kitten cpr, they were saved.

Now this is the thing, those kittens far to weak to have made the cry for help.
So who did? Not any of the other cats sounded like that, and both me and mother puss heard it.

What a lovely little miracle. ☺️
We've not experienced anything like that, at least that I am able to recollect at the moment.
But speaking of cats, we unfortunately had to shoot our cat Monday morning. Piperazine poisoning, she became very ill and was having seizures. Poor thing, couldn't move or even close her eyes in the end, she was alive, but already gone. Died immediately, thank goodness. She has a lovely grave at the bottom of a hill under an elm tree, where my chickens are buried. First cat my family has been able to bury in almost twenty years, as the others were taken by coyotes and whatnot. I'm getting good at digging small animal graves... :(
What a lovely little miracle. ☺️
We've not experienced anything like that, at least that I am able to recollect at the moment.
But speaking of cats, we unfortunately had to shoot our cat Monday morning. Piperazine poisoning, she became very ill and was having seizures. Poor thing, couldn't move or even close her eyes in the end, she was alive, but already gone. Died immediately, thank goodness. She has a lovely grave at the bottom of a hill under an elm tree, where my chickens are buried. First cat my family has been able to bury in almost twenty years, as the others were taken by coyotes and whatnot. I'm getting good at digging small animal graves... :(
Aww im sorry.
But speaking of cats, we unfortunately had to shoot our cat Monday morning. Piperazine poisoning, she became very ill and was having seizures. Poor thing, couldn't move or even close her eyes in the end, she was alive, but already gone. Died immediately, thank goodness. She has a lovely grave at the bottom of a hill under an elm tree, where my chickens are buried. First cat my family has been able to bury in almost twenty years, as the others were taken by coyotes and whatnot. I'm getting good at digging small animal graves... :(
I'm sorry :hugs
Sorry, lost the thread again....!

I was thinking of miracles, and things that can't be explained. Have any of you had any of them?
I had one, a good few years back. One of our farm cats had just had a litter of kittens, in our lean-to.
She had a bit of a history of losing track of kittens, so I had a look around to make sure she hadn't left any anywhere.
I couldn't see any, so stopped worrying about it. But I then heard (and she did too) a loud and distressed cry for help, from what sounded like a kitten. So we started hunting everywhere, and finally found two kittens in a cardboard box. They were so cold, and barely breathing, but after slowly warming them up, and doing a bit of kitten cpr, they were saved.

Now this is the thing, those kittens were far to weak to have made the cry for help.
So who did? Not any of the other cats sounded like that, and both me and mother puss heard it.
Oh my word yes!
My sister stepped on one of my chicks and its legs were broken and it wasnt moveing. Basicly dead. I couldnt do anything, i couldnt even cull it because we had to com inside for church but i was praying all the way up to the house and all during church and after church i ran down to the chick pen and it was walking around and eating and sleeping like nothing had ever happend. Another time, one of my most skiddish but favorite chickens got out and we have a TON of foxes so i had to go catch her. Before i even started i said "oh God please"
she just sat there I just picked her up and put her back in. I was in shock.
Oh my word yes!
My sister stepped on one of my chicks and its legs were broken and it wasnt moveing. Basicly dead. I couldnt do anything, i couldnt even cull it because we had to com inside for church but i was praying all the way up to the house and all during church and after church i ran down to the chick pen and it was walking around and eating and sleeping like nothing had ever happend. Another time, one of my most skiddish but favorite chickens got out and we have a TON of foxes so i had to go catch her. Before i even started i said "oh God please"
she just sat there I just picked her up and put her back in. I was in shock.
Come to think of it, I've had little miracles like that happen! I suppose I don't really think of them as miracles because they aren't anything big and flashy. But little things like that happen all the time. God is good. 😊
Sorry, lost the thread again....!

I was thinking of miracles, and things that can't be explained. Have any of you had any of them?
I had one, a good few years back. One of our farm cats had just had a litter of kittens, in our lean-to.
She had a bit of a history of losing track of kittens, so I had a look around to make sure she hadn't left any anywhere.
I couldn't see any, so stopped worrying about it. But I then heard (and she did too) a loud and distressed cry for help, from what sounded like a kitten. So we started hunting everywhere, and finally found two kittens in a cardboard box. They were so cold, and barely breathing, but after slowly warming them up, and doing a bit of kitten cpr, they were saved.

Now this is the thing, those kittens were far to weak to have made the cry for help.
So who did? Not any of the other cats sounded like that, and both me and mother puss heard it.
I'm not sure of miracles like that, but I've seen small ones time and time again. Just God's handiwork in my and others lives.

I won't share all the details, but...
I was very depressed for an amount of time, and I struggled with thoughts of ending my life. Eventually, I tried to. I was overwhelmed one night after life groups, and I tried to run into the road. My pastor stopped me, (had to physically grab me).

I hated it in the moment, but now I'm so thankful. I'm learning that in all the pain, there is always a purpose, even though we may never see what the purpose is. If my pastor wasn't there, I wouldn't be alive, typing this out. Through that, I'm able to help others going through the same struggles, and I've forged stronger relationships. It was awful, but I wouldn't be who I am today without that terrifying night.

The lesson I learned: God will never give up on you. Rest in the peace of Jesus, and take it one day at a time, or even one hour or minute. God will always help you through, again and again and again.

That's just one of the many things I've seen.

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