All the Christian Homeschoolers!

I think one problem lavenders can have is messy kind of feathers (I can't remember what the proper name for it is) you might want to check they aren't to bad in that respect.
Is that the "Shredder gene" I've seen mentioned before? I'll do some research on that.
I haven't decided yet cause I am not sure if I should get another colour to focus on just yet... I want to but don't know if I should :p

Yeah, we were able to meet half way, so that worked out very well.
I have so many chickens that one or two more doesn't make that much difference, and they were so well loved and so pretty that I couldn't say no. And I always secretly wanted a frizzle, and just any mixes are my favorites, so I think it is a win win all round.
I am already in love with both of them 🥰
As far as I am aware there's no rules for having roosters where I live but out of respect for the few neighbours I do have I try to keep only the minimum number of roosters I need. Only allowing one or two "pet" boys. (Though truthfully it's a country town and other people keep roosters too, I don't think anyone cares).
Frizzle are such funky and fun things, it's gonna be fun when I start trying to breed them. I am glad you like them so much!
Is that the "Shredder gene" I've seen mentioned before? I'll do some research on that.
Thats what I was thinking of.
I don't know anything about it, except I've seen other people with some that were partially bad, and some with hardly any at all, so I presume its something one might want to be aware of when breeding.
As far as I am aware there's no rules for having roosters where I live but out of respect for the few neighbours I do have I try to keep only the minimum number of roosters I need. Only allowing one or two "pet" boys. (Though truthfully it's a country town and other people keep roosters too, I don't think anyone cares).
The nearest neighbor here is about 1km away, and they are hardly there most of the time; (more of a holiday house) other then that, its another 3kms or so till the next house.
I'm very lucky in that respect.
Thats what I was thinking of.
I don't know anything about it, except I've seen other people with some that were partially bad, and some with hardly any at all, so I presume its something one might want to be aware of when breeding.
Have you heard of it specifically in Sussex or just with the Lavender colour? Going down my research rabbit hole...
The nearest neighbor here is about 1km away, and they are hardly there most of the time; (more of a holiday house) other then that, its another 3kms or so till the next house.
I'm very lucky in that respect.
We used to live in the "middle of nowhere", had a couple neighbour a fair distance away but we literally had nothing to do with each other. I was so paranoid when we moved that I had to give up my roosters! But again country town, I don't think they bother anyone. Barking dogs are worse nuisances...
My church's VBS theme is "Twists and Turns" from LifeWay. If any of y'all's churches did VBS with the same theme, do you have any pointers?
I'm helping with missions.
My church just started VBS last year . Im not sure if they are doing it again this year but i havent been to church in awhile.
My church's VBS theme is "Twists and Turns" from LifeWay. If any of y'all's churches did VBS with the same theme, do you have any pointers?
I'm helping with missions.
Sorry, I don’t have any good pointers. Sounds like fun though! My church is doing ‘Stellar’ this year but I only helped with decorations.
My church did keepers of the Kingdom this year. The decorations are always top notch and they go above and beyond the regular whatnot. Last year they turned one entire hallway into an underwater scene, and another into a forest with colored lighting, tree trunks, and everything.
My church did keepers of the Kingdom this year. The decorations are always top notch and they go above and beyond the regular whatnot. Last year they turned one entire hallway into an underwater scene, and another into a forest with colored lighting, tree trunks, and everything.
That's so cool! I've heard of Keepers of the Kingdom and I got the magazine for it.

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