All the Christian Homeschoolers!

I think geometry is easier!
I did a little Geometry back during my first Algebra run-through(I'm on attempt no. 7). It did seem easy, until I got to proofs. Oh boy, those drove me up the wall. Couldn't get past those and was not allowed to move on without mastery, so I didn't finish it.
I have to do that next🤦‍♀️
Good luck! 😭
Yeah, after I finish Algebra 1, we'll see how far we get with the Stranger trying to help me through Algebra 2 and Geometry this summer. 🙄 Not looking forward to grinding math. Everything else, I can do online by myself.
I think you don't need to do that kind of stuff unless you're gonna pursue a career that involves it.
Good luck! 😭

I think you don't need to do that kind of stuff unless you're gonna pursue a career that involves it.
No, truly I don't. Though at this point it's more that I, personally, want to complete high school. It may not happen, but I'm not going to stop trying at least for this year.
Though the lack of such education also makes teaching my own future children more difficult. I think I'm going to pass the highschool classes to the Stranger. He's been well through college, I think he can handle it. 😅 Though I will feel at a loss.
No, truly I don't. Though at this point it's more that I, personally, want to complete high school. It may not happen, but I'm not going to stop trying at least for this year.
I get that! Want to feel the satisfaction if completing it.
Though the lack of such education also makes teaching my own future children more difficult. I think I'm going to pass the highschool classes to the Stranger. He's been well through college, I think he can handle it. 😅 Though I will feel at a loss.
I know a lot of homeschooling parents will send their kids to school once they reach high school, I believe because they think it's too hard for them to help and they need an actual teacher to teach, or something along those lines.
I get that! Want to feel the satisfaction if completing it.
Yes, absolutely! I do this with a lot of things that I know if don't have to give 100% to. I still want to give my all.
I know a lot of homeschooling parents will send their kids to school once they reach high school, I believe because they think it's too hard for them to help and they need an actual teacher to teach, or something along those lines.
Yep, I know a lot of folks that do that, too. Though, I would be scared to. I am doing two classes at a private, Christian school. The kids don't cuss, and they aren't so grotesquely rude as public school children, but oh my WORD. The amount of incredible ignorance and disrespect is terrible. They are so into the world, and aren't what I would call good influences. I would hate to send my children to any sort of school, being only 14-16. The behavior is abhorrent. I do have high standards, the children at that school are much better behaved than public school children I have met. But not nearly what I would expect from my own children, and I wouldn't want them in that. I don't mean to rant. 😅

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