All the Christian Homeschoolers!

And then, the lights went out again WHILE I WAS TAKING A SHOWER!!! I did have a really bad flashlight that doesn't work very well in there with me though just in case.😅
That has happened to me before! I'd also been listening to scary stuff and was like of course 🤦‍♀️
Well, we didn't have a tornado in the end but it was pretty scary. The thunder and lightning was non-stop and we had our power out for about 1 hour and 45 mins to 2 hours and then it came back on. And then, the lights went out again WHILE I WAS TAKING A SHOWER!!! I did have a really bad flashlight that doesn't work very well in there with me though just in case.😅
I couldn't help but laugh. One of my worst fears is to be in the shower when the power goes out, and I have shampoo in my hair or something and I can't rinse it out. :lau I'm glad you're all okay.
I couldn't help but laugh. One of my worst fears is to be in the shower when the power goes out, and I have shampoo in my hair or something and I can't rinse it out. :lau I'm glad you're all okay.
Yeah I was pretty surprised I didn't scream! I didn't have shampoo in my hair at that moment and I was about to get out. But my wet hair got water all over the floor that I couldn't see.🤣
Well, we didn't have a tornado in the end but it was pretty scary. The thunder and lightning was non-stop and we had our power out for about 1 hour and 45 mins to 2 hours and then it came back on. And then, the lights went out again WHILE I WAS TAKING A SHOWER!!! I did have a really bad flashlight that doesn't work very well in there with me though just in case.😅
Im glad your safe and ok!
We get strong storms that knock out power out a lot
Two winters ago we were without power for over 24 hours. And that was well it was -20 degrees.

Now we have a generator
Hi there my nine siblings and I are raised in a Catholic homeschooling curriculum called Seton Home Study School. Been homeschooling now up to a senior in high school prepping for my freshman year at Texas A&M. Homeschooling has been such a blessing in my life. Its helped preserve my faith and maintain an honor for our country, God, family.

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