Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Beautiful glad you can help out the ameraucana color diversity
Speckledhen- Your Snow is beautiful! And as I have told you before, Scout is gorgeous!

Ahappychick- I LOVE the fourth picture down of the splash(White?). That hen looks like she has more personality! What a cutie pie!

Bedste- do you just want to snuggle those sweeties? They are precious!

Muell112- I have both ameraucanas and EEs. I actually got my ameraucanas because I loved my EEs so much! One of mine is colored like your second picture. I think she is just gorgeous! Mine were sold to my by the hatchery as ameraucanas also. It wasn't until I started reading that I realized they were EEs. It's all good though. Out of my 4 EEs I get three green eggs of varying shades (and one brown egg). I'm hoping to use my black ameraucana to make more EEs.
WOW they are so pretty! I am so excited about how pretty my babies are going to be..... WOW all of these birds are so beautiful. Wouldn't it be nice to have a flock of nothing but Ameraucanas... all different kinds of purebred and a bunch of pretty eggs too!
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Thanks, Cyn, I really like them. I got started with EEs from Jody (hinkjc) and liked them so much that I got some of these. I still have my EEs; I really love them. I have them out with this wheaton Roo, hoping for some really pretty colored chicks.

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