American(Buff, Blue, Lavander,etc.)goose thread! Post pics!

My Buff Goose. I named her Nini.

She got west nile when she was only a few months old. It took a lot of meds but she pulled through. She is the flock boss now, even the turkey does what she tells him too. This is her with my ducks.

She is my first goose, and her feathers dont lay down as smoothly as I think they are supposed to. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why? She's about 5 months old now.

My Buff Goose. I named her Nini. She got west nile when she was only a few months old. It took a lot of meds but she pulled through. She is the flock boss now, even the turkey does what she tells him too. This is her with my ducks. She is my first goose, and her feathers dont lay down as smoothly as I think they are supposed to. Does anyone have any suggestions as to why? She's about 5 months old now.
Very nice!
[COLOR=008000]Serv I love my sebs soooo very much but just love the Buff color of geese.[/COLOR] [COLOR=008000]Here are my two Buff sebs. Aren't they just beautiful!!! But I am biased on them...[/COLOR]
Wow! Where do you get these very nice looking geese and i love the buff colour too but wow those buff sebes are really nice :D
Serv, celtic oaks farm is working on Buffs and she culls to only keep the best. I lucked out with these two females they are sisters and I have a grey split for buff gander I got from her as well. He will produce buffs because her carries the gene.

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