Any experience with Lyme and sterility in dogs?


Feb 10, 2022
Hi, I have a pair of purebred Anatolian Shepherds, now two years old. The female has been in heat three times. I have never explicitly seen them tie, but the male is always very engaged. No pregnancies. (Well, she was in heat a month ago but I don't feel any swelling in her abdomen.) The female was sleeping excessively (so was I) and month ago all of us (myself and all the dogs) tested positive for Lyme. Could this cause sterility in either the male or female? If so is it reversible?
Hi, I have a pair of purebred Anatolian Shepherds, now two years old. The female has been in heat three times. I have never explicitly seen them tie, but the male is always very engaged. No pregnancies. (Well, she was in heat a month ago but I don't feel any swelling in her abdomen.) The female was sleeping excessively (so was I) and month ago all of us (myself and all the dogs) tested positive for Lyme. Could this cause sterility in either the male or female? If so is it reversible?
It can.

You'd have to ask a vet to check to see if she was sterile as per chance maybe she wouldn't be. If she is, the vet would be the one to answer your last question.
Have both dogs checked out. Hope you are all better, and on meds for this. Ticks are miserable little critters!
And you were tested for more than Lyme disease, right? Wish there was a vaccine for us, not only for our dogs.
Thanks but it's not really practical to get them tested for fertility, it would cost hundreds or thousands of dollars at the state university vet hospital.
Do you mean tested for other tick borne parasites? No test for me but other labs indicated lyme. The vet techs thought that one of the dogs tested positive for both lyme and anaplasmosis, although it wasn't quite clear.
I can't ever recommend a lyme vaccine for dogs or people. I agreed to vaccinate one of my beloved dogs in 2012, and six months later she fell ill with Addison's Disease (adrenal gland failure) and hypothyroidism, and four years later kidney failure. I strongly suspect the lyme vaccine gave her autoimmune disease. Such a wonderful soul needlessly suffered.
So you were also tested for more than Lyme disease?
Addison's disease happens for many reasons, or 'just because' in dogs. And it's much less common than Lyme disease.
And vaccines save lives!
Here in Michigan the MSU veterinary path lab will test individual ticks for Lyme, Erlichia, Anaplasma, and Babesia. I know this because the deer tick imbedded in my neck in November only had Lyme disease, not the other four. Made a difference in the meds i was on...
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Thanks but it's not really practical to get them tested for fertility, it would cost hundreds or thousands of dollars at the state university vet hospital.
A semen collection/evaluation shouldn't cost anywhere near that much. A friend just ran into a situation where two b*tches (proven mothers) lost all of their pups. Both were Lyme positive. Another associate had 3 litters/29 pups and raised one. All 3 b*tches were Lyme positive. It does appear that Lyme can cause at least viability problems.
What age is recommended? The vet said 2 years is ok.

Well they're not 2 years old yet, and you say you've already allowed them to mate. In my humble opinion, waiting for a couple more years would be beneficial, as unexpected health problems might arise. Have you completed all their health testing?
Lymes can definitely cause the female not to become pregnant. And the male not too be sterile.
You should wait until after 2 to breed them though. And make sure they are clear on all health aspects.
If you have a good vet they can advise you on what to do with the lymes. I have never dealt with Lymes myself. But i also give flea and tick monthly and mine get the lyme shot. And if we are outside a lot they are groomed at nught to check for ticks.
Did the vet test what tick it was? I know my vet will do that. Ive seen dogs in there with Lymes disease, but they seem healthy.

And as already mentioned a semen collection definitely shouldnt cost over $200. I think at our vet its $100. But they list the prices for simple things so thats how i know.

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